> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow.

Pay attention to progress bar or similar GUI gadget. If not programmed 
correctly, they could slow down transfer a lot.
Also, try running the FTP component in a worker thread, maybe with a 
priority set to something higher than the main trhread. Having a separate 
thread make the GUI not interfere with the transfer. If you code update the 
GUI and you use a thread, pay attention on how you do it. Avoid Synchronize 
as it defeat multithreading. Have you thread update a variable and have the 
main thread read that variable, using a critical section to avoid 
contention. Do not poll that variable too fast, use a TTimer to check it 
once a second for example.

If you have a really fast network, disk speed may be the limiting factor. 
See the FTP component source and change it so that the files are read using 
much larger buffer. See Arno's message.

You may also enlarge winsock buffer and use larger buffer in twsocket used 
for data channel.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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