> I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during
> active connections. it does not help.

Have you tried to increase BLOCK_SIZE of the DataSocket and 
BufSize (in TCustomWSocket.Create) of TWsocket's internal send buffer?
They both are set to 1460 by default . Means  a file is read in chunks of 
BLOCK_SIZE and  BufSize is the maximum amout of data being sent in a
single call to socket send().
I think they should be set to a multiple of the optimal MTU value - 28 
(protocol data),
and lower than the socket send buffer size (default = 4096).
The default MTU value of 1500 is often to high in most environments, 
I use MTU 1492, however wireless may require even a lower value. 
> No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same
> PC using same connection and same server I do not experience the
> problem.  

I don't know how the INDY components work, however they will most likely
send the files differently, and they use blocking winsock API which may 
require different parameters?
Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Fias Norbert István wrote:
> No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same
> PC using same connection and same server I do not experience the
> problem.  
> The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the
> received window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP
> client does not increase the number of sent segments, so the
> unacknowledged amount of bytes is not increasing.   
> I am using mobile network - HSDPA - RTT is much higher than in a LAN
> environment. That's why I thought that if I increase the send buffer
> that could help. I tried the following just for test:  
> In procedure TCustomFtpCli.DataSocketPutSessionAvailable
> //original lines
> OptLen := SizeOf(SndBufSize);
> if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
>                           SO_SNDBUF,
>                           @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then
> begin 
>         HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
>         Exit;
>     end;
> //original ends
> //added these lines
> msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
>     if Assigned(FOnDisplay) then FOnDisplay(self, msg);
>     SndBufSize := 8192 * 5;
>     if (SetSockOpt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
> @SndBufSize, optlen) <> NO_ERROR) 
>     then begin
>         HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
>         Exit;
>     end;
>     if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
>                           SO_SNDBUF,
>                           @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then
> begin 
>         HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
>         Exit;
>     end;
>      msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
> //addition ends
> I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during
> active connections. it does not help. 
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:16 PM
> To: ICS support mailing
> Subject: Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem
> I once tested uploading a 2 GB file at 44 Mbits/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN.
> Write ahead cache was disabled at the Server's HDD  and the
> the disk seemed rather busy, the HDD was probably the bottleneck
> that avoided higher speeds.
> Make sure you do not have any anti-virus software or a personal
> Firewall running, customers frequently reported that upload speed
> increased heavily when they killed their background protection.
> --
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> http://www.overbyte.be/eng/overbyte/teamics.html
> Fias Norbert István wrote:
>> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
>> archieves, buti t can be I missed something.
>> I have the following problem
>> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that
>> the client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is
>> waiting for the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers
>> ide is big enough. No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem
>> related to winsock, or can I do anything againts? Can I increase the
>> send buffer size of the data socket?
>> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine,
>> same connection, same server.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Norbert
>> ________________________________
>> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
>> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
>> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
>> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
>> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
>> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
>> Commercial register: The Company was registered
>> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of
>> Registration 
> --
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> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Commercial register: The Company was registered
> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
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