
> IBM and RD give us programmers the same box of crayons respectively. It's
> up
> to us to draw with them.
> Mark Johnson

  That is only true if you utilize the base BASIC code statements. Each
flavor has its own special functions and user exits, but they both contain
the same core BASIC statements. If you emphasize using the flavor's tweaked
language to write applications, then a "standard MV BASIC style" does not
really exist in any of your code. You have a flavor-specific MV BASIC style.
IF/THEN blocks and FOR/NEXT loops are BASIC standards. IFS() is not in the
D3 manual, so the proceeding argument can only be valid on flavors that have
IFS(). I have no clue what it does, so I can't comment further on that. 

  I think that someone should set up a statement cross-reference guide that
shows descriptions and flavor compatibility. If there already is one, I'd
love to see it.

                                                UV   UD   D3  QM    Reality
 DCOUNT   Count data segments in an MV array   [X]  [x]  [x] [x]   [x]

 It would also be nice to see parameter syntax for each flavor, if there are
differences. If they are the same syntax then a single syntax example would

Glen Batchelor
IT Director
All-Spec Industries
 phone: (910) 332-0424
   fax: (910) 763-5664
   Web: http://www.all-spec.com
  Blog: http://blog.all-spec.com
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