Has anyone in the group experienced this issue and found a resolution?

My client is reporting the periodic slow down of their system.  It slows
down to almost the point of a hang.  This affects both existing processes
(menu selections, data entry, reports) and logins.  Their system admins
(IBM) reports that it is a Universe or application problem.  I haven’t been
able to identify any runaway processes or hogs.  The log files that I’ve
looked at haven’t shed any light on the matter.  Could there be a log file
that I’m overlooking that might need to be cleared?  But if it’s an
undersized file, why wouldn’t it be a consistent problem?  I’m hoping that
the group might be able to suggest some things to look at and consider.  

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.  

      Universe          10.2.10
            Windows Server 2003
            Virtual Machine (sorry don’t know any details on this component)
            34 user license, only about 15 active

Thanks for your help.

Curt Stewart
TRI-SYS Consulting

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