This supports my contention that Windows' telnet client is not robust 
enough for use in a production environment.

Anzio, in this situation, will properly close down the host connection 
before quitting. In addition, it can be configured so that it is not 
possible (short of Task Manager or reboot) to quit from the client side. 
This then coerces the user into exiting from the menu system on the 
server, clear out to where the telnetd or sshd closes the connection. Then 
the client side (Anzio) reacts to this and quits. It avoids a lot of 

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Curt Stewart wrote:

> Thanks to all that have replied.  We're still busy researching and testing
> but we did catch a break yesterday and it appears that the problem could be
> the same that Wol mentioned.  We have had reports of CPU spikes in the past,
> but these were only reported in off hours and usually the following day or
> later.  Yesterday however, they noticed a process that was Spiking using
> 100% CPU.  We were able to track it to the user and find out exactly what
> they were doing.  The user confirmed that they would just exit from the
> telnet session window (Windows Telnet) and not log off properly.  When I
> tested this, the Process immediately began spiking.
> We're thinking and hoping that the slow downs that we have experienced are
> the cumulative affects of multiple bad disconnects and CPU spikes.  I have
> contacted Rocket to see if/when this issue has been resolved and we will
> keep monitoring the server.
> Again thanks for the help and input.  We're still going through several of
> the suggestions to see what impact they may have.
> Curt Stewart
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Wols Lists
> Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] Extreme slow down on Universe periodically
> On 08/04/11 14:04, Curt Stewart wrote:
> > Has anyone in the group experienced this issue and found a resolution?
> > 
> > 
> > Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.  
> > 
> > Environment
> >       Universe          10.2.10
> >             Windows Server 2003
> >             Virtual Machine (sorry don't know any details on this
> component)
> >             34 user license, only about 15 active
> > 
> This is an old problem, that might well be resolved on 10.2, but do you
> have any rogue uvtelnets? We used to get that - they'd get disconnected
> somehow from their user, and then grab 100% cpu. Kill them, and things
> went back to normal (we had to crash them, they wouldn't kill, by
> attaching the debugger or something).
> Charles mentioned the network. Are your network buffers too large? I'm
> beginning to pick up from my reading on a hardware/software mismatch at
> the TCP level, and network slowdown (and catastrophic failure) are the
> result.
> Cheers,
> Wol
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