You might also get rid of short sighted VAR's that have discovered they can make a majority of their revenue converting U2 customers to other platforms.


On 4/26/2011 4:50 PM, David Jordan wrote:
Have people who criticised U2 interfaces actually worked with other database 
applications.  Remember the joke "What hardware and operating system doe Oracle best 
run on, a projector and powerpoint".  Too much of the competitors' products are 
gloss and when it comes to writing applications they become a chain and ball.  When I 
look at competitor applications they have pretty interfaces but lack substance.  I beat 
competitors from major companies because I provide functionality at a price that leaves 
the others for dead.   Clients are starting to question the gloss and are looking for 

As I have said in previous emails, it is not about the technology, it is about 
how it is sold.  We have an Australian U2 GL package that kicked SAP out of a 
site, it is not impossible.  For too long U2 has sold it self, however due to 
competition, we need to apply more money to marketing and sales people.   
Marketing budgets of some of the competitors are well over 20%-40% of revenue, 
few U2 application vendors spend anywhere near that much.

Marketing statistics identified that optimists outsold pessimists.   If you 
think U2 is not up to scratch with the competitor, then how are you going to 
convince the customer.  Rethink how you look at U2 compared to other databases 
and it will change the discussions with senior management.  Senior management 
are on bonuses and they do not get paid for buying brands they get paid for 
delivering results, you need to demonstrate how U2 improves their bonuses and 
you are in.

Of course there is room for improvement in U2 products and Rocket is working on 
them, but uniobjects is still one of the most efficient and effective APIs that 
I have worked with and you can easily add gloss to tired applications with a 
range of client tools including .Net, java, etc.

David Jordan

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