Hi Mecki:

Whenever we get into discussions about editors, everyone mentions this
editor they got for free or this editor they are using from one of those
other guys or about the one they just cobbled together editor from EMACS,
VIM or Notepad, for instance.  Eclipse is a full blown IDE.  Eclipse has
hundreds of millions of development dollars.  Would Brian and I love have
that much money to create a specific U2 IDE?  Well, we don't have that money
and no one is offering it to any of us.

How does XLr8Editor make me more efficient? Hmm:

Local History:
In Eclipse every change made is saved in local history.  I keep 200 program
changes locally for each program.  If I'm changing a program and want to go
back to my 10:30am revision or look at the changes I made at 10:30am version
against my current version with the built in compare editor. I can.

Copy and Past:
If I want to copy code or data into another directory or file, I never have
to go to telnet or use any other tool because I can copy and paste from
within Eclipse.  I can copy megabytes per second using the U2 UOJ interface
locally faster than you can use the COPY command.

If I want to search a program file of 7000 programs for a specific line or
segment of code using grep syntax.  I issue the search on my local drive
without impacting the database server and it comes back faster than ESEARCH.
 I can do other things while it is searching.  Eclipse saves all of my
search in history so I don't have to do any of them again.  Eclipse displays
the matching line of code in the search box, so I have to do is click on and
Eclipse opens the editor to that very line.

Version Control:
Eclipse has built in version control.  You can even hookup to Microsoft's
Team Foundation Server because Microsoft built an Eclipse plug-in.  Maybe
Microsoft knows something we should know.  There are other version control
plug-ins for CVS, Subversion, GIT, and Perforce.

If you save an hour a week, at the end of year your savings easily justifies
the cost if you programmers are making a $1.00 per hour.  Really, is free
worth it!

"XLr8Editor for the Universe and Unidata"
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