Will wrote:
>> A key factor that makes CUI non-portable
>> to GUI is the embedded Input and Print statements in the code.
>I respectfully disagree that this is key.
>After all event oriented apps also have input statements
>I think you mean the key factor is that the programs are not 
>event oriented.

Mike Randall said:
>I think the point Tony was making was the splitting of the 
>program logic from the actual screen formatting. 
> ...
>You do bring up a valid point regarding event driven apps with 
>the concept of submitting an entire form.

You're both right.  Note that my quote was "_A_ key factor", not "_The_ key
factor".  In my mind I assume that event orientation is possible once code
is modularized, Input statements are replaced with passed-in values, and
Print statements are replaced with returned messages and status data.  You
can have event oriented code with Print/Input statements, which isn't
desirable, at least in MV code destined for a GUI.  You can also have
monolithic procedural code without the Print/Input statements, which could
be the case with screen-at-a-time (3270 style) code.

The bottom line is that a fundamental shift needs to be made in most MV code
before it can be moved to GUI.  Contrary to popular belief this shift
doesn't need to be made all at once.  I have a VAR/client with a 20 year old
app that is being refitted over time to be more modular.  They started their
conscious shift about a year ago and they're now finding all sorts of
benefits to modularization.  They're now at a point where they can start
looking at various GUI-enablement products in our market space.

As an aside, pardon me for being so bold, but it's amazing that the
providers of these GUI products aren't jumping to pay people like me to help
developers become viable candidates for their products.  There's no
guarantee that any given site will adopt any given GUI product, if any, but
unless there are prospects there can be no new customers.  It seems to me
it's worth it to "someone" to foster redevelopment like this.  Well, that's
the MV market for ya...


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