In a message dated 4/17/2004 9:10:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The tools are there to produce applications on par with anything on the
> market.  Web interfaces via tools like Redback. UOJ, .Net PDP, or the java
> interfaces are all there to produce great solutions for U2. 

And I would like to mention Accuterm.  I have built several scripts in 
Accuterm that do Gui like functions, and are launced from inside the mv Code.  
Accuterm has the ability to watch for a command that is directed at it and then 
take actions in Windoze.

So for example, one client, has an application where they have to pull up a 
record in an mv screen and then listen to a person speaking (off a MP3 file) 
and then process the record based on that speech.  So my solution was to write 
an accuterm script that launches Windows Media Player to the location specified 
from the mv code.

Another script launches web requests from inside mv code, scraps the 
contents, and presents partial information within an mv application.  All in basically 
a green-screen format, inside an Accuterm window.  But I digress.

My main point was, that the tools are here.  Are you ready to learn how to 
use them?  That's the sticking point.

Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
u2-users mailing list

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