Will and others,
Original point...
<My main point was, that the tools are here.  Are you ready to learn how to
> use them?  That's the sticking point.  (Will Johnson)

Yes the tools are out there, some of them are truly exceptional, and a few
have a short learning curve.
We have worked with Pete Schellenbach at Accuterm for many years and found
it be a rock-solid product backed by people who understand and adhere to the
concepts of user-friendly and easily supportable. Pete and his brother were
responsible for the "cursor-table" / "define-cursor" definitions that are
the basis of the @(-xx) definitions that exist within modern pick

We have integrated the Accuterm GUI API into our 4GL (Nucleus) and am
constantly amazed at the ease with which GUI applications can be deployed
within our environment.

Nucleus uses the Accuterm GUI API set and simplifies the effort of adding a
Graphic User Interface to pick applications.  It alleviates the need of the
programmer to plug GUI calls into native code while enabling the programmer
to call any ActiveX or Java control where desired or if needed.

<shameless plug>
Both GUI and green screen environments within Nucleus are supported with ONE
set of application code, data structures are based on data dictionaries.
The learning path is upward, not tangental and is based on Pick standards
and concepts.

I would be happy to demonstrate to anyone in the pick community (U2, Pick,
UniVision, jBASE, Reality) a conceptually elegant way of managing data and
simplifying support within a consistent environment.

Yes, System Builder applications can be converted to Nucleus.
Yes, Nucleus supports all modern pick flavors.
Yes, we have deals for developers.
</shameless plug>

Lee Bacall
Tollfree      866-882-1888
Phone: +1 (954) 791-8575
Cell:      +1 (954) 937-8989

> My main point was, that the tools are here.  Are you ready to learn how to
> use them?  That's the sticking point.
> Will Johnson
> Fast Forward Technologies
> -- 
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