Can't say I've seen that. I've seen some odd RF things going on. Solar Flux
is super high right now, all the ham radio HF guys are excited.
On Oct 25, 2014 9:51 PM, "Mike Hammett" <> wrote:

> Has anyone been seeing odd things happening with UBNT radios? No bad
> weather in the area.
> I had a NanoBridge earlier this week just stop via Ethernet (not sure on
> RF). Replaced the cable and PoE. Nothing. Replace the radio. Fine. Plug the
> radio in at the ground. Fine.
> I had a Rocket reset to defaults after "losing" its Ethernet. When I got
> up top, the lights were blinking as if it were in TFTP mode. I got it
> reprogrammed and it's been fine since.
> I just had another Rocket lose its Ethernet tonight. I'll see its fate in
> the AM. I'm attaching a log from the router's point of view just to show
> the oddness.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <>
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