good results i think, though it's shame Silicon didn't make it into the
theme list - Resilience looks a bit all over the place IMO. Gray is a 
theme and perfect for those inevitable minimalists out there, or even just 
that want to a complete change from the Ubuntu palette.

i thought it could've been good to see UbuntuLooks Quicksilver in the list - 
surprising how many Ubuntu desktops i see with blue window decorations,
a good Win32/OSX --> Ubuntu migration theme ;)

anyway, congrats to the winners!


..on Tue, May 23, 2006 at 09:24:43AM +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> Thanks to all those who participated in the voting and helped bring this 
> to a conclusion. I asked you to vote for one usplash option and three 
> wallpapers and theme options. To rank the latter two I have used a 
> simple weighting system of 5:3:1, where the top choice gets a weight of 
> 5x, the second 3x and the third 1x. Ideally I should have defined this 
> system before the voting started. I've attached a spreadsheet with the 
> raw figures, and as I've said if someone wants to see the emails I can 
> arrange that.
> Usplash -- 10 voters
> ===============
> 0_8_SCALED    7  - WINNER
> Tangerine    2
> ubuntu-logo-dark    1
> Themes -- 10 voters
> =================
> Resilience - 15 points
> Gray - 13 points
> Human Legacy - 11 points
> Wallpapers -- 5 voters
> ==============
> Simple Human - 11 points
> Dawn of Ubuntu - 8 points
> Ubuntu Chocolate - 6 points
> - Henrik
> -- 
> ubuntu-art mailing list

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