On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 15:28 +0400, Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> Troy James Sobotka wrote:
> > Strengths:
> >  * Unified -- especially the orange set.
> While such a unification might be good from the artists point of view 
> it's not that good for usability. Three primary characteristics by which 
> humans distinguish things are form, color and pattern. These icons 
> eliminate form recognition (they are all round) and the orange set 
> eliminates color recognition as well!

It is hard to debate the color recagnition, but on the form recognition
I must admit that I disagree. Form-wise I actually think these emblems
stand better than the current ones. Try and compare Read Only,
Documents, Draft, Mail and Sales. How are they for form recognition in
the standard set? I actually think they do good in Erics layout.

The default emblems does also have a more complex structure which makes
them more difficult to tell apart in my eyes. I look at the new emblems
like this: The orange is just a background. The real form recognition
goes on between the white outlines.

> While this may seem highly theoretic but I can assure that it's true in 
> practice. I use emblems a lot for designating not only my photos, docs 
> and music folder but also my different programming projects. Current 
> icons work just great, I almost never think even a millisecond before 
> clicking the right folder. New icons make me fill like I suddenly become 
> blind :-(

> I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh... The icons themselves are beautiful 
> but they aren't usable...

Well, I have to disagree, but again we can't really talk usability based
on personal preferences.


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