Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> It is hard to debate the color recagnition, but on the form recognition
> I must admit that I disagree. Form-wise I actually think these emblems
> stand better than the current ones. Try and compare Read Only,
> Documents, Draft, Mail and Sales. How are they for form recognition in
> the standard set? I actually think they do good in Erics layout.

Do you mean the form of a picture inside? I mean the form of the whole 
icon, the form of its contour.

> I look at the new emblems
> like this: The orange is just a background. The real form recognition
> goes on between the white outlines.

I think you may be ignore that your brain does double work here:

- distinguish an icon from a window's background
- distinguish a glyph inside an icon

In the case of different contour it's just the first step.

> Well, I have to disagree, but again we can't really talk usability based
> on personal preferences.

I provided my personal experience as an additional evidence. The thing 
about the icon's contour form is strictly tested and I believe there are 
reports on this available.

But where you're right is that _I_ can't talk of it authoritatively 
because I'm just the one who heard it once with one ear :-). But I 
nonetheless encourage you (or whoever interested in it) to ask a real 
usability expert about it. May be Matthew Thomas could help if he's 
reading it.

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