On Sun, 2006-08-10 at 00:29 +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> Well okay but take a look at some specific emblems from the orange set
> compared to the colour set:
> * The 'high' and 'important' emblems in the orange set look almost
> exactly the same. The only difference is that the top of the
> exclamation mark on 'important' is slightly wider than on 'high.' In
> the colour set, these two are differentiated by their colour.
> * The 'photos' icon and the 'pictures' icon are also extremely similar
> (in both sets), and in the orange set, because they have only one
> colour to go with, they don't look like much of anything at all. Just
> a couple of rectangles.

I would agree on these points -- I view the emblems as 
a wonderful starting position.

That said, I suspect there are certainly a few of the
emblems that would require further exploration regarding
the icons chosen, as opposed to the 'throw the baby out with
the bath water' approach.

 * Money -- North American currency symbol is probably quite further
   away from a 'universal' indicator as so much as perhaps
   something akin to coinage.
 * Shared -- something could probably elaborate on this a bit more,
   perhaps utilizing the other icon looks as a starting point
   for shared.
 * Photos -- Needs to offer something a little more photographic
   for the iconization.  Lens?  Camera?  Pictures seems more apt
   as it looks a little more like a rapid exposure camera feel.
 * Pictures -- seems to be more appropriate to offer something
   more distinctive here.  Perhaps a frame?  Something other than
   a reference back to photos as cited in Sean's posting.
 * Distinguished -- Numerical values probably lose their connotations
   quickly across cultures.  Ribbon?  Trophy?

Complete brain dump here, but those are certainly worthy
of icon brainstorming.

Great discussion Sean,

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