2008/11/28 Cory K. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Michael Stephenson wrote:
> > I agree with SorinN. Cory, evidently you are a very upfront,
> > confrontational guy, and that's good, but there comes to a point where
> > you are just plain rude.
> Rude is an opinion/perception. I, as well as many others have asked
> *repeatedly* for people not to top-post. I'm not letting the this go.
> Period. If people continue to ignore the *long-standing* rules, I'll say
> something. In the end I wasn't a dick about it. If you look, I even said
> "Please". ;)
> > Which was fine when you were one voice among many on this list, but
> > you became defacto community leader for this list, and the only member
> > to openly support you on this list was me, and then Kenneth Wilmer in
> irc.
> I'm not the leader of this team. I lead the art for Breathe and Ubuntu
> Studio. Nothing more.
> > In this particular case your best response would be:
> >
> > "Although this project uses this list to announce additions, please
> > note this is not an official ubuntu project and is created by
> > likeminded people for likeminded people, a subset of the ubuntu art
> > community. Feel free to begin your own project with your own goals,
> > their are probably many community members which watch this list, which
> > feel the same way"
> Sure. I didn't go that route. Others can monitor their language as much
> as I. It's a 2-way street. If anyone has some perception that I'm some
> respected leader around here, it's not on me. I don't want that
> responsibility. I help where I can and let people know what's going on
> with things.
> > You seem to have forgotten the appointed role as community leader.
> See above.
> > You shouldn't make people frightended to speak, or frightened to reply
> > for fear of not matching your fascistly applied posting rules.
> Not my rules. They were here *long* before me.
> > Top posting is annoying yes, but should you be so cold in your advice?
> This is a perception. I said "Please" and was to the point.
> > You should consider your role aswell as chastising people for not
> > meeting theirs.
> Again, see above.
> In the end It's how I went and it is what it is.
> -Cory K.
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art

"As de-facto community lead atm I wanna give this effort a big +1."

Sounds like you were taking the position as community leader at that point
to me, considering it wasn't you announcing Kyu-do
ubuntu-art mailing list

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