Hello Swiss Ubuntu Community

you find a release candidate of the new DVD image here:

Please have a look at it and send feedback until Friday, 19.2.2008, to

## Softwareselection

* again, considerable time was spent for selecting most useful software.
One goal was to build a system, that has as much software as possible to
meet end-users everyday needs. The other goal was to include XFCE and
KDE desktops for demo & testing plus a bunch of educational software.
Please tell us your own favourites and recommendations of missing tools.
* the DVD now includes a text (alternate) installer. It is the original
edition of ubuntu w/o any updates.
* as there is less room left for extras, most videos were removed.
* the detailed list of additions to Ubuntu is stored with the ISO image
on the web.

## Testing

* I'm in particular interested in experience and hints on Windows 7 dual
boot machines? Is there any advice that should go into Readme.html?
* Any Intel Macs around? Question: Do we need refit and other efi/gpt
tools on the disc?
* postinstall script is a dirty procedure, anyone able to do this in a
nice way? Has anyone an idea if the firmware download is useful at all?
* you might nominate components from main/restricted/univers/multiverse
to be included in order to have support for particular popular hardware
* Do you suffer from odd behaviour or software bugs for which you
believe we need to implement a workaround in the SwissEdition?
* We have neither ATI nor nvidia graphics. Swissremix comes with free
graphics drivers which should run properly. I would like to document any
oddities you may find when applying proprietary drivers.

## Documentation

The german text of Readme.html is a complete rewrite. The update of the
english translation is in progress and will be available for the final
edition. Are there any helpers for a french and italian edition? You
might translate freely and also shorten the text as you like - as long
as the text is well readable by 'your' users.

Credits.html is also work in progress and will include the sponsor logos
in the final versions.

If you have valuable links to online help resources and ubuntu books for
beginners in de/it/en/fr, please send us a link.
Thank you for your help, kind regards, Daniel Stoni

** Our Sponsors

        FDS Consulting GmbH

        ER Partner

        IC Partner

        IBM Switzerland



        cnlab Software AG

<http://www.logintas.ch/>       Lunatic
http://www.lunatic.ch <http://www.logintas.ch/>         

        stepping stone GmbH

        Ziil Informatiklösungen


        Logintas AG

        Puzzle ITC GmbH

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