Hello Hassan, thank you for the thorough report. Things are being adressed.

Do you have further insight into the Windows 7 issue?

Regards, Dani

Hassan El Jacifi schrieb:
> Hello Daniel,
> I have done some test with windows7.
> * Booting from Live CD:
> I have choose English as language and keyboard fr_CH but the machine
> start with fr keyboard. The same if I choose French as language and
> Swiss French as keyboard.
> Some errors on boot but doesn't infect booting. (See screenshoot 1.png)
> You should add info related to disk space needed. The space needed for
> installation is 6G. People should be informed. I have prepare only 2G
> the first time and during the partitioning I was blocked because the
> space don't match. 
> In the readme file, there's some partners link broken. Like
> er-partner.ch should be erpartner.ch
> * Booting after install:
> After the install, Grub detect correctly windows7 (2.png) but I can't
> boot anymore windows 7 (3.png).
> I can boot the ubuntu Swissremix (4.png) without any problem.
> I have run your script to finish the installation, there's some errors
> (5.png).
> If you want I can have a look tomorrow why I can't boot windows anymore.
> P.S: The attachement will be sent directly to your e-mail.
> Best regards,

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