> I would also like to argue for this: Brasero does everything n-c-b
> does, and more. One of the goals/specs set for hardy is reducing
> duplication within Ubuntu. If we would add brasero but keep n-c-b as
> well we will be increasing the amount of duplicate functionality.
> What is even more important is that ncb and brasero have a very, very
> similar user interface, but not exactly the same. This can be very
> confusing, as it feels like you are working with the same application
> but then e.g. suddenly the burn cd button has moved to a different
> location.
> Some concerns have been raised about brasero being a more advanced
> program with more options that you don't really need, but I think that
> is not the case. The programs, if you disable the sidebar in both,
> look almost identical. There is no options or preferences dialog in
> brasero. It does all things ncb does with equal ease, but at the same
> time it doesn't have the limitations that I mentioned in my first
> email.

That's exactly my point. In Bug #183130 Sebastien says that
"nautilus-cd-burner is easier to use for simple task", but how exactly
is that so? I have both open now and they look basically the same to me,
except brasero has a bar indicating how much free space I have left.
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