Dear Gora,

Some follow-up questions regarding the baraha and Unicode work:


>       Growing out of the work on the Unicode Baraha maps, I have
>     almost completed a keymap for the Devanagari Shiva font, using the
>     same Baraha layout. Shiva is an 8-bit, TTF font widely used by
>     printing houses, and this was needed for Sarai publications. 

I am wondering if you have finished work on the Shiva font yet? I would
like very much to see and try it, as I haven't found a Hindi Unicode
font yet that I really like. The TTF Baraha font that I used to use I
found clearer and more traditional than most of what I see in Unicode
which is quite modernistic and blockish. 

I would also like to consider getting the Baraha TTF Hindi font working
in Unicode, and would be willing to get it set up if there is some
guideline for how to do it.

2. When typing in OO Writer, there is a default font which Writer always
starts using whenever typing in Hindi. You had mentioned earlier that it
just selects whichever is first in its list. Is there a way to change
what will be the default font, to one which I like better?

3. When typing in hi-baraha in OO Writer, it seems to have trouble with
certain characters in particular settings. For example:

  A) If one types the specific combination: "मैं   (that is, मैं after a
quote mark) then the ( ं ) will not type, and it happens every time.
This ( ं ) will type in any other character after the ("), but not in
the specific word: मैं . And मैं otherwise almost always types fine in
OO Writer so long as not preceded by (").

  B) When one types [तुम जाओ], then by typing the final "]", the ओ just
prior to it gets deleted. This happens less if the opening "[" is not
present, and does not seem to be a problem with most other characters.
However, it also happens with ए. if an ए is typed just before a final
"]", then there too, the ए  is deleted. 

None of the above happens in my e-mail software, Evolution. But it
happens in Open Office. 

4. Some Hindi fonts switch to Times Roman or Arial font whenever
punctuation is typed such as ,.|?!"'[]{} etc. When that happens, the
Times Roman/Arial character sometimes doesn't match at all in size with
the Hindi font. Is there a way to avert this problem?


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