On 10/17/07, Vivek Khurana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/17/07, Parth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > We have  just one point to make - First contribute stuff into the
> > wiki, which we consider is most important, rather than sitting to
> > beautify the interface. We do agree to the point that we need to
> > upgrade MediaWiki, and will be done asap!
> >
> >
>  Sweetheart, adding content to website is a longterm goal. But what we
> are trying to attain here is a short term goal. One time excercise.
> Fix the navigation, define the structure for adding new content and if
> need work on a new look and feel. Do it once and forget for next three
> years.
>  I agree with you that having new content continuously is of atmost
> importance but this has to happen regularly. Creating new content is
> should be  the overall goal for next three years and restructuring is
> over immediate goal for next three weeks. Do i make time line
> difference clear ?
>  Guys why are you working so hard on making things difficult ? As for
> drupal vs wiki debate, let me deploy a parellel test drupal instance
> and configure it with a workflow. Let it be ubuntu-india beta. We all
> ("old members" and "new member" :-p ) can try it out and see whether
> it works or not.
>  any takers for parallel deployment of drupal (or a mixed solution) as
> ubuntu-in beta ?

+1 for parallel deployment. Let us see how it works out. But I have no
knowledge of Drupal, so you have to take it up.

> But navigation improvement is something should be of top priority. So
> please put in your suggestions in terms of improving the navigation or
> restructuring the "*existing*" content.

Lets us use talk pages for discussion.

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