On 10/17/07, Lut4rp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The new team members are not saying no-wiki! We want a mixed solution like
> the one that exists on ubuntu.com. A framework like Drupal will help us in
> the long run. A totally wiki based solution is too geeky. And I am sure we
> dont think that the old members are ranting. Its a critical overhaul and in
> the best interest of everybody, such a decision is bound to recieve all
> sorts of viewpoints!

We have  just one point to make - First contribute stuff into the
wiki, which we consider is most important, rather than sitting to
beautify the interface. We do agree to the point that we need to
upgrade MediaWiki, and will be done asap!

> I did not know that MediaWiki had insecurity to this level, or that the
> SysAdmins did not utilise the security to the max. Drupal is a highly-secure
> platform. I have never heard of a Drupal website under attack.
We are not against Drupal or any other CMS (not after being a web
developer for 2 years now). And there is no sysadmins here, its was
all volunteered when the team formed initially. But of late people
have gone into newer, challenging, busier jobs that they are not able
to spend time on them as they did an year ago. This is why we are
looking for new people to take responsibility from us and we are quite
open to it. But it needs to be you who have to come forward and ask
us, otherwise we just move on with what we are able to do. So, please
come forward than talking about it.

> > 3. We are using very old version of Mediawiki, 1.5. So I think it is
> > better to look into upgrade of the software to 1.7. T

Yes, this will be done ASAP!

> The members with the provision to access the server are not doing their part
> of responsibility. I looked up the version of MediaWiki on the Ubuntu india
> website. We are on 1.5 and the latest stable build is 1.11

Again, it is all volunteered and they have other things to do too. A
communtiy survives by newer more enthusiastic members coming forward
and taking up jobs which the older members are not able to do as they
did in the past. We have brought up the ubuntu-in community from
scratch to until now, please join us and help us to move forward than
complaining about our inability to spend time on these things.

> Nothing is going to change in 6 months, very sorry if I am being rude. It
> shall only add to the straining infrastructure.

Every day is a new day, every thought is a new thought, every patch
adds something new to the package. 6 months is a lot of time, 6*30 =
180 days, 6*5=30 weeks. Even a doc per week is going to give us 30
additional docs per member, and even if 5 members contribute its 150
docs in the period. Do you think its not worth ?!

> Even after few years of
> establishment, the community doesnt have many members.

We are not just sitting here and doing nothing. Each member has
personal, occupational, other project commitments. Yes, we have had
members in and out, but only a few have turned up with solid
contributions. A few of us did not have the luck to get proper
guidance to do it, some did not have the enthusiasm to carry it
forward. So, rather than complaining the better way is to show the
other non-contributing members by yourself becoming a role model for

> Now thats a nice idea. I hope the senior members will take some step in this
> direction. We should have such a structure that people who feel they are not
> getting enough time can gracefully exit the admin responsibilities.

Some of the responsibilities have been passed, some collectively
managed, some require help. Please ask us out what you can do, telling
us what you will be able to do, so we can give you responsibilities.

Parthan "Technofreak"

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