> I think that passing information on the status line is a little bit
> of a hack, but aside from an XPCOM extension that provided a  
> javascript
> method to C code, it is good enough for now and seems to be
> getting the job done.   I tried launching apps with parameters and it
> worked fine.  So for now and October release let's stick to the way it
> works now
> and we can readdress this later.

Agreed that the status line is a hack but will do for October.  
Another longer term solution that we were thinking of would be to  
modify gtkmozembed to add a new signal that the home plugin could  
listen for instead of the   js_status signal, but this would require  
maintaining mods to gtkmozeembed which might not be ideal. Another  
possible solution we kicked around was to use a DOMListener in the  
home plugin and have the html/javascript modify the DOM in a way that  
would cause the listener to be triggered. I think this could actually  
work quite nicely without mods to gtkmozembed, but would take a bit  
of work to get it right.

> Suggestions welcome.  I tested that the existing index version still
> works and uses launchAppFromId(id) but I didn't try the other yet.

This looks good. Another scenario we needed to solve was launching a  
control panel plugin from the Flash movie (the movie wants to  
directly launch Network Config, Bluetooth Config, etc..). I added a  
launchPlugin(pluginName) method to the javascript and home-plugin.  
The impl uses osso to launch the plugin and it works pretty well.

One other "feature" I added that might be of interest is a banner  
that gets displayed when the app is launched and gets torn down once  
the app is fully visible. Some apps take a long time to launch and  
this was intended to give the user feedback that something is  
happening. It uses the hildon-banner-show-animation() method to  
accomplish this.

I need to generalize all of my changes to the home plugin (as there  
are some customer specific things that wouldn't be appropriate to  
moblin) and then I plan to send you guys a patch for possible  
inclusion. I'm hoping to have this done by the end of the week. I  
should probably first merge with your latest changes, so just let me  
know when you commit them.

> I like getting rid of the duplicate .desktop files.
> How about just adding a "MobileId=" field to the
> /usr/share/applications/
> (and not a new section)

Works for me. So the logic would be if a "MobileId" field existed,  
the app would be added to the UI?

> I'm not sure how to handle sorting of the applications wrt
> configuration.
> A few options include:  no sorting in the UI, adding "MobileOrder=<>",
> or other.

I think we had talked about using the "Category" field as well (looks  
like the hildon control panel code uses this scheme). This could give  
us a grouping mechansim. Maybe the rule could be the UI groups by  
category and sorts based on name within the category. Sorting/ 
Grouping code code be borrowed from the hildon-control-panel package  
perhaps as it's implemented this way.

>> - Bob, I believe you were compiling a list (a couple of IRC meetings
>> ago) of home-plugin features that would be common to both Flash and
>> non-Flash home-plugins. I don't have this list or a transcript of the
>> meeting, do you?
> I didn't find it, but I'll look more.

I think it was on 8.30.2007 on the ubuntu-mobile list but I can't  
find a transcript either..

>> Marquee Panel:
>> - What are your plans regarding navigating from an application back
>> to the home screen? Currently there is no way to do this.
> Top-left icon will be updated and will take you home.  No drop-down
> menu. Comments welcome here.
> No left/right app nav.

I think that would be an improvement. Our customer, for whatever  
reason (probably habit), still wants the drop-down menu with the  
extras menu, but we will enable this functionality only for them.
The key thing here is getting the .service file stuff working so that  
you can get back to the instance of your running app from the home  

The main thing I find useful in the maemo ui is the task manager  
(drop down that shows the list of running apps) because it makes it  
easy to see what is active and to get back to it. One idea might be  
to make the top-left icon a drop down again, but this time it would  
be the task manager. The first item in the drop down would always be  
the "Home" so there is an easy way to get home.

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