Sorry, I cannot see it. I am on page

at the bottom of the page it says "
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The main part of the page reads:

      Ubuntu UK Team Leader 09

    On the 30th Of November Alan Pope will be stepping down as the Point
    of Contact for Ubuntu UK LoCo team.

    All members of the UK Team (except the outgoing PoC - Alan Pope)
    will be eligible to vote for a new PoC.
    The winner being the person with the most votes. In the unlikely
    event of a draw, the outgoing Point of Contact will get the casting

    On or after the 1st December the new Team Leader/PoC will be announced

    What sort of things does a Team Leader/PoC do?

    * Hold regular meetings online
    * Inform the team of developments within the UK
    * Schedule events within the UK - bug jams, packaging jams
    * Show leadership by contributing to Ubuntu in the way one might
    expect others.
    * Try to follow the Leadership Code of Conduct [0] closely
    * Anything else that they can think of.

    For more information on the candidates please see:


Below that is a large area of white space and then the bottom line 
quoted earlier.

David King

Sean Miller wrote:
> Bottom of the front page, not the one with the candidates info but the
> one that explains the election process.
> Sean


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