Rob Beard wrote:
> Sean Miller wrote:
>> I'm glad we've resurrected the title "Team leader" as I agree totally
>> with Alan P that "Point of Contact" really didn't mean anything at
>> all.
> I agree with that, I think with a Team Leader we have someone to speak 
> to if we have any issues.
> I'd like to say that Alan did a great job.  I've seen his name on 
> various Linux/Ubuntu related sites and even my local LUG mailing list 
> too (it's good to have someone to fight the Ubuntu corner when 90% of 
> the LUG are die hard Debian users).
>> Voted earlier, not an easy choice as all three seemed to have great ideas.
> I'm just about to vote now, hopefully I can remember my launchpad details.
>> All seemed to want more social contact which can't be a bad thing --
>> it's unfortunate that being in the depths of rural Somerset, where the
>> last train back from London is about 10pm, I probably won't be able to
>> make most of the events, tho.
> Same here.  Although I could drive down to London, I wouldn't be able to 
> have a drink.  One of these days though I will try and get down for a 
> London party somehow.
>> Next release would anybody be up for a South West Regional Launch
>> Party?  Perhaps in Bristol, Exeter or similar?  If we could get a
>> "tame venue" we could possibly combine it with a "Meet Linux"
>> demonstration, perhaps a little earlier in the day, and invite the
>> public at large to come along and take away some CDs.
> I'd be up for one in Exeter, I could possibly book the Exwick Community 
> Centre in Exeter where I am involved with installing an Ubuntu Based 
> LTSP.  It's not great for parking but it is close (5 mins away) from the 
> main Exeter St Davids Railway station and again about 10 mins away from 
> a couple of good pubs.
> Hopefully by April the kit and server should all be installed.
> Rob

Sounds good to me, 

I will start a new thread on this however, as I have a few ideas, questions



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