> On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 13:09 +0000, John wrote:
> Well, that's no good, I noticed that the third option was the eeepc option,
> which is what it boots up into, and when I tried the the 5th option, it
> doesnt pick up the wireless network at all, its as if its isnt even
> installed.
> The funny thing, as I have already mentioned, even though I click on the 3rd
> option, the eeepc kernel, it shows I'm running
> Ubuntu 2.24.1
> not eeepc. So, I am really confused why that is happening. Hope its not
> confusing to you.
> John

Hi John,

If I remember correctly you are looking for the kernel version in the
System Monitor?  I think you may be looking at the wrong line, that is
the version of Gnome :-)  look above that line for the one that starts
Kernel etc.

Or as Michael suggests, open a terminal and type "uname -a" and it
will tell you the kernel you are running

Michael Fletcher

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