On 03/09/09 21:17, Jon Taylor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m looking for some information. My father in law is looking to buy a
> laptop and broadband dongle. We’ve (sort of) found a laptop that we’re
> going to put Jaunty onto but I’d like to know if there are any ISP’s we
> should look at and also any we should avoid?
> Also are there issues with dongles and Ubuntu or is it going to be plain
> sailing? Please bear in mind that this is going to be for a recently
> retired person who has only ever had MS OS’s so he definitely won’t
> understand terminal or other technical stuff. I’ll probably be the one
> setting it all up for him.

The 3G dongle subject was discussed *very* recently on this list. The 
last reply to the thread entitled "USB Wireless G3 Dongle" was only a 
day before your post. That response has lots of good info about which 
dongles work etc, but the basic answer is that most of the mainstream 
devices seem to be just fine. Huawei are probably the biggest 
manufacturer, ZTE is reported to not be straightforward.

If you look through the archive for the thread you'll find more detail: 




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