Ronnie Tucker wrote:
>> well i was thinking that if virgin dont offer a wirless router, ill 
>> just buy one...connect my pc to that ( I wont then need to install a 
>> wifi card in my main pc right?) and then the revo and my pc can talk 
>> through the wifi router. i.e internet on the revo+ file tranfers!
> I'm quite interested in getting a Revo too since my original Xbox is, I 
> think, going through its death throes.
> I have my PC hooked up to my Netgear wireless router, as is my Xbox360. 
> If I was to wire a Revo to the wireless router, how would I transfer 
> files to it from the PC?
Well if you install Ubuntu on it I'd assume you could transfer files to 
it on the same way as you can with a PC, samba, nfs, sshfs, even FTP.

Assuming your PC dishes out IP addresses to each network device, it 
should be a case of setting up some sort of sharing on the PC (I'm 
assuming you're running Ubuntu on the PC?).  Then connect to the share 
from Ubuntu on the Revo.
> Oh, and does the Revo come with a keyboard and mouse? And what about a 
> monitor cable, for hooking it up to my TV?
I haven't got one myself so I don't know, but I gather it has a HDMI 
port, so even if it doesn't, you're only looking about a fiver for a 
HDMI cable, also not sure about a keyboard or mouse but do a 
nice wireless laptop size keyboard with touchpad (made by Keytronic I 
think, IIRC it's about £25).
> Thanks for reading, no thanks for possibly costing me £150  :D

LOL, I've been holding off due to lack of funds at the moment (well, I 
have the funds, just not the agreement from the wife), if that wasn't a 
factor I'd have already got one of these plus a Hisense Media Player and 
a Bluray player. :-D



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