Unless anyone can suggest something similar in price..but better spec wise.

On 9 Dec 2009 20:50, "javadayaz" <javada...@gmail.com> wrote:

Count me in as well. Lol

> > On 9 Dec 2009 20:30, "Ronnie Tucker" <ron...@ronnietucker.co.uk> wrote:
> > Rob Beard wrote:

> Ronnie Tucker wrote: > >> I'm quite interested in getting a Revo too since
my original Xbox is,...

> > Yep, got Ubuntu 9.10 on my desktop machine, so hopefully I can FTP/Samba
> files across, either...

>> Oh, and does the Revo come with a keyboard and mouse? And what about a >>
monitor cable, for h...

> >  From what I've read on eBuyer forum posts, the Revo comes WITH a >
keyboard and mouse, which m...

>> Thanks for reading, no thanks for possibly costing me £150 :D >> > > LOL,
I've been holdin...

> > Go on, just buy one. Tell the wife I said it was OK  ;P > > Thanks!

-- Ronnie Tucker ron...@ronnietucker.co.uk http://RonnieTucker.co.ukTWITTER:

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