Alan Pope wrote:
> 2009/12/9 javadayaz <>:
>> should i buy it from ebuyer or ebay? :)
> I bought mine from ebuyer. There are other devices like this
> available. The Acer Revo 3600 is just one of the first. There are
> quite a few devices which also sport an ION GPU. The Acer has a 1.6GHz
> single core hyper threaded CPU, but there are others that have an
> Intel Atom 330 dual core hyper threaded CPU and the same ION GPU.
> If you're doing video playback then generally you won't need or use
> the extra core on the CPU, but it's something to think about.
> Cheers,
> Al.
I've seen an Asrock 'IONStar' machine with a dual core Atom, and I 
believe it also has a slimline Bluray reader too but it's nearer £300. :-(

On the other hand, a slightly more expensive option would be to go for a 
MiniITX case, Atom/ION board such as the Zotac board, and memory, hard 
drive etc but then you've got the hassle of putting it all together 
(personally I wouldn't mind myself as I'm always delving inside 
machines, but for some it might not be such an attractive option).

Still for £150 the Revo sounds great.  I'd get one for the kids if I 
could be sure they wouldn't break an LCD screen.



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