> Surely it has the same problem for people further down the chain?
> While going through the "struggling to make a brand" thing recently
> everyone else in the supply chain causes problems. Just because
> they're a big name doesn't make the problem go away for others. This
> is, however, just how the universe works at the moment. The only way
> to change it is to become a big name yourself.
> I'd also argue about Ubuntu having a long way to go with the brand.
> I've seen it crop up in the national news a couple of times, and it's
> in the trade mags quite frequently. It's got someway to go to get full
> household recognition, but not as far as many people would think.
Oh I'd very much like to become a big name. CTS, the UK's no.1 Ubuntu
retailer, I like that!

I agree we've reached a tipping point now and the fact many people at least
recognise the name now it what prompted me to set up in business. For once
I want to be the first on the bandwagon, not the last.

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