On 07/03/12 11:59, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:
> It could well be just the thing to undermine Microsoft's ARM plans. If
> there are good alternatives to Windows on ARM then the device
> manufacturers can vote with their wallets, so to speak.
> I imagine it is more costly to implement Microsoft's requirements than
> it would be to not implement them... but if there are no real
> alternatives for usable tablet operating systems (Android is good but,
> in my opinion, not really that usable on tablets) then they would seem
> to have no choice but to implement Microsoft's requirements.
> Get a decent alternative in place and let the manufacturers sorry
> themselves out.
> Grant.
> On Mar 7, 2012 10:37 AM, "Nigel Verity" <nigelver...@hotmail.com
> <mailto:nigelver...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi
>     It's been interesting to read about Canonical's ideas for the
>     future of Ubuntu; in particular its use as an OS for tablets and
>     other mobile devices. It strikes me that some of this vision is
>     undermined by the implications of the "Secure Boot" functionality
>     being specified by Microsoft on ARM processors as a pre-requisite
>     to achieve "Windows 8 Compatible" status.
>     A lot of the up-coming tablets are going to be using ARM chips, so
>     unless the Microsoft requirement is modified, or manufacturers
>     choose to ignore it, the Canonical vision seems to be flawed. Or
>     am I missing something?
>     Regards
>     Nige

I am also guessing here, that with the raspberry PI the exposure that
Linux will get should really help drive the fact there ARE real
alternatives., Especially if local user groups  and the loco teams
Ubuntu local teams up their game, then the support structure will be out
there and people will know about it.

Any product will HAVE to come with real AGGRESSIVE marketing,   Local
lugs have problems simply finding people in stores to talk to about
alternatives to windows, let alone agreeing to agree take in cd's or
other materials for display etc.   . 

>     --
>     ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/



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