On 5 February 2013 20:15, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It worked!

Yay! \o/

>Now, we need some way of directing people away from all the
> erroneous Ubuntu Forums pages that also say [SOLVED] but don't work, like
> the one I followed, which was:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1850267

Actually, this is for a different device to yours - you have a RT3290
(as we found out), that is for a RT3062.

> Better still, we need those nice peoples at Canonical to build this stuff
> into the system, at least as a written package of instructions which will
> appear at the necessary point in the set-up process, if not as a fully
> automated wizard.

It looks like something is already in the pipeline -

> Thank you very much for your patient help, Mark, and apologies to everyone
> else who has had to put up with all this.

You're welcome.




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