Hi David,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

I still believe you can get your 120GB drive how you want it, so all is not lost yet.

It looks like your LVM partition is the correct size now, but the volume with your root filesystem is still the old size. This suggests that you need to run:

lvextend -l+100%FREE /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root

the first letter of lvextend is lower-case "L".
the second argument to lvextend is: "dash", lower-case "L", "plus"-symbol, one, zero, zero, percentage-symbol, and finally the word "FREE" in upper-case; all without spaces between.

then run:

resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root

It is probably best to do these in a cd/dvd-booted live session to be sure it's as safe as possible.

On 09/02/2016 14:53, David Goldsbrough wrote:
I am going to spare you Daniel all the details and other readers of this post. Briefly I had documented everything and that is now lost for reasons I can only guess. I had chosen your Option 2 without success and then Option 1 with I hope is success. I did though suffer errors on re-boot and so attempted another re-boot - this time it reported fsck issues which I answered F to and all seemed fine. I then rebooted from the 60GB USB drive to grab the documentation and started up Firefox to get at my Google drve. Firefox started as if this was the first time it had ever started - weird and accessing the google drive and trying to find my documentation file - it was not there! Odd!

So I reboted into my 120GB and again Firefox starts as if brand new - bookmarks and history have gone. Cpuld dd have done that?

But forget that I think I now have a full 120GB system but am starting to have some doubts over some of the files. What command should I run to give me confidence I have a full 120GB?

On 8 February 2016 at 22:49, Daniel Llewellyn <diddle...@gmail.com <mailto:diddle...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 8 February 2016 at 22:32, David Goldsbrough
    <da...@boavon.plus.com <mailto:da...@boavon.plus.com>> wrote:

        $ sudo parted -l

        Model: ATA TOSHIBA MK1255GS (scsi)
        Disk /dev/sda: 120GB
        Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
        Partition Table: msdos

        Number  Start   End    Size   Type File system  Flags
         1      1049kB  256MB  255MB  primary ext2         boot
         2      257MB   120GB  120GB extended
         5      258MB   120GB  120GB logical                lvm

        Model:  Mass Storage Device (scsi)
        Disk /dev/sdb: 60.0GB
        Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
        Partition Table: msdos

        Number  Start   End     Size    Type File system  Flags
         1      1049kB  256MB   255MB   primary ext2         boot
         2      257MB   60.0GB  59.8GB extended
         5      257MB   60.0GB  59.8GB logical                lvm

    OK, from the above read-out it looks like fdisk changed the start
    position of your partition when you recreated it. We have two
    options as to how to proceed:

     1. As you have your old LVM disk hooked-up you can reblow the
        data across to the new larger partition and then run the
        pvresize, lvextend and resize2fs again thereafter. To reblow
        the data use `dd if=/dev/sdb5 of=/dev/sda5 bs=1m`.
     2. Alternatively you can try to recreate the lvm partition again
        with a start of 257M instead of the fdisk-chosen default 258M
        (it chose 258 because that's "aligned" better for your SSD;
        but being 1MB further into the disk means that the lvm
        metadata is dangling unaddressable at 257MB) and as above
        rerun the pvresize, lvextend and resize2fs again.

-- Regards,
        The Honeymonster Daniel Llewellyn


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