This is a place near my home.

It is a lie to say that this woman killed the husband "for less than a dollar".

Whoever tells you so either does not understand Luganda or is incapable
of reading.

This woman deserves all the support she can get.

one is always entitled to self defense.

The hardworking woman saves her shs 60,000 ( US$30 ) then she pays
for the windows, to protect the family against the night-cold.

The man demands US$0.60 for alcohol. Then he comes for more, and
starts beating the shit out of the woman, demanding even
more money.

The days when women were to be mistreated and that was accepted as culture
are over, guys.

Whoever has not got it in their thick heads will never get my sympathy if they
end up six-under, like this husband.

It is no use sitting here shouting against mu7 if at the same time we turn a blind
eye on injustices like these.

> ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Mulindwa Edward
>   People
>   Why are all morals gone in Buganda? UPC why are
> you doing this to the land of the Highness? Last
> week it is jiggers killing left right and center now
> women killing their husbands for less than a dollar?
> UPC leave Buganda alone please.
>   Em
>         Akubye bba enkumbi n'amutta lwa 1,000/-
>         mulindwa ne Kizza
>         Bya Eddie
>         Ssejjoba,
>         MASAKA
>         OBUFUMBO bw'abaagalana Paul Mulindwa ne
> mukazi we Rosemary Kizza bwasattulukuse omukazi bwe
> yakutte enkumbi n'agikuba bba ku mutwe n'amuttirawo
> lwa kumusaba 1000/- anywe mu omwenge.
>         Bino byabadde Kabonera mu Masaka, omukazi
> okufumbo Rosemary Kizza bwe yawoleddwa ekibiina
> ky'abakyala mu kitundu kino 60,000/= azikozese
> akyole azizzeeyo.
>         Atwala poliisi mu kibuga Masaka, Mw. Sakwa
> Wambi antegeezezza nti Kizza yagabanye 60,000/-
> okuva ku bakyala banne ze batereka awamu ne baziwa
> munnakibiina buli mwezi, era ku luno omukisa
> gwakutte Rosemary Kizza ne bazimukwanga.
>         Kizza ensimbi yazitutte ew'omubazzi gye
> yaguze amadirisa g'enju yaabwe kubanga baludde nga
> basula mu kyangaala, kyokka nga kino bba
> tekyamusanyusizza kubanga yabadde amusabye amuwe ku
> z'okunywa omwenge.
>         Yasoose n'amuwaako 1000/-. Mulindwa atunda
> ebyenda mu katale k'e Kabonera bwe yanywedde 1000/-
> ne ziggwawo n'ayagala afuuke kasomba kaddira.
>         Yazzeeyo eka n'asaba mukazi we amwongere
> sente kyokka omukazi n'agaana kwe kutandika
> okumukuba.
>         Omukyala yeetakkuluzza ku bba n'adduka
> n'oluvannyuma n'atumya enkumbi ye n'agenda ku
> lubimbi.
>         Yabadde yakatemawo enkumbi nga ziizo ne
> zireeta bba eyamugambye nti ku luno yabadde ateekwa
> okumuwa ensimbi ezaafisseewo oba si ekyo yabadde
> agenda kumukuba amuleke mu kkubiro.
>         Kizza yannyonnyodde bba nga bwe yabadde
> takyalina nsimbi ng'azirekedde mubazzi abaweemu
> amadirisa kyokka Mulindwa olwo n'aluyita lulago kwe
> kumuviira mu kikonde kwe yagasse empi.
>         Oluvannyuma yamuyisizzaako ne kibooko
> ekyawalirizza omukyala okukunuukiriza enkumbi gye
> yasangiddwa nayo ku lubimbi n'agikuba bba ku mutwe
> mu butanwa nga yeetaasa.
>         Published on: Monday, 2nd December, 2002
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