Yaobanga 2
Let me remind you as well the strugle of federalism in Uganda that I forgot in my previous posting. I know very well about it for I was on  Fedenet. And we had an argument that Museveni is not a good leader even to discuss federalism with even if he wanted to give it to Uganda. Man we were eaten almost alive, as people who do not want anything good for Uganda. An agenda was set up to guide how discussions will and must go, topics were set up and people were nominated to bring in proposals. But in all people who were running that show, no single person bothered to ask him self a very simple question. Museveni has been in power for almost 17 years, but what deal has he ever made faith fully? Ugandans thought that Museveni was going to give them federalism in Uganda. And up to today let me tell you that if Museveni wakes up and announces that he has put federalism in Uganda Ugandans will rejoice. Until when he will put their foot in their mouths. Failing to be critical thinkers is what Museveni has been feeding on from day one. And I can give you examples to examples. Look here the Buganda march in Kampala is a classic example. Why did all those people go on the streets? Their cause was wrong from day one. Buganda has a wrong Katikiro who is planted by the NRM its self. Did any of those who marched thought about that? Now if they were in Ugandanet would they come back? No for their nonsense has been proven beyond the point of dought.
Another example. I come from Luwero. Museveni came and infested our district, but he did not recruit any Baganda boys. The only way we knew that NRM was operating in my village and in the surrounding villages was to see that we no longer had Banyarwanda labourers. You know those who were staying in thatched houses at the back of our houses? Thy were going one by one, you hear so and so is gone, so is so and so, the huts started all to be empty. Remember these were people who did not have families and not much belongings. In the end no body had a Rwandeese working in the garden.
Now where were these men being taken? Inside Bugaanda and trained in Buganda to fight the government. Then why did Baganda hide Museveni, a man who never wanted them in his force to start with, and this was public knowledge? For shot sighted as they were, Baganda thought that this was about obote and not bout Uganda as a nation. Today I am informing you that the most loosers in this government are Baganda. Museveni has come through with his government's promise, to turn Uganda into Rwanda. I complained here on Ugandanet on why kagame was commanding our army. I was lambasted as a racist these are Ugandans and we can not throw them out of the country. But many Ugandans forgot that a Rwandeese always a Rwandeese. Where is Kagame now? And where are all the other officers that went with him? But our leaders full well know how shot sighted we are. Kiiza besigye was one very stronger opposer to the return of the Kingdom of Buganda. And we know it. But during his campaign he stated that I will be a friend of Buganda. Some illusion Muganda called me at 2am for he had to wake me up to know the good news from Besigye's camp. The man has promised that he will be a friend of Buganda. My question to him was only one, has he told you who he will be an enemy at? And I hanged up the phone, for it was such a stupid thinking that I would not tolerate.
Ugandanet has a problem for it has a number of uncritical thinkers, as we are in Buganda so are we on Ugandanet. The rest is nonsense.
Now Yaobanga I am done with you. Promise.
             The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:24 AM
Subject: [Ugandacom] "Federation the answer for Uganda" by Prof. Bukenya ( 1st May, 2002)

It as well depends on what level Dr. Kigongo considers Ugandanet to be
running. For I fully well remember the days when one would not post on
Ugandanet that there is a war in Northern Ugandan which is planed by Uganda
government to destroy Northern Uganda and to make sure that as many as
possible Northerners are dead. Surely there was a time when you would not
post that statement or you would be eaten alive. One would be attacked with
volleys of insults as you are one of people who would not say any thing on
Uganda which has been liberated.
Let us take a surgical look on his statement. Look here Ugandanet was a
forum which was based on one thing. Obote has cause all the problems we have
in our country. Now it is interesting for Obote has been in Zambia for as
long as we all remember and he has not said even a single word to plead or
encourage any war in Uganda. Results. Ugandans who had no aim of looking for
a real solution for Uganda's problem, and who were feeding on telling half
truths about Uganda's problems, ran out of gas for there was no way one
would point the violence in Uganda on UPC. For surely when I came on
Ugandanet it was Ugandans Vs Chris Opoka Vs GR Vs Akena Vs Matek on and on.
And the sermon was that Museveni is a man who has created a government which
has involved every body. Well but he has killed all of them. Ugandans would
not look that far, untill when the Kayiiras the Nkwangas the what not are
all killed. We lamented about the killing of Ugandans when they go to
Uganda, and it was called a lie untill when their own people were either
killed or them selves killed, they were not that critical.
Let us go further. The killing of Ugandans was based in Northern Uganda.
Ugandans on Ugandanet thought that the Movement government is killing
Northerners for it is true they are biological substances. Many bought the
Movement notion that Uganda's problem was Northerners Vs Southerners.
Uncritical thinking as many of them have now proved to be. Failed to
understand that Museveni and his movement, are just plain killers who will
go at all distance to stay in power. The killing machine reached Buganda and
Kampala in particular, now we can not blame this killing on UPC or on Konny,
it is surely NRM. Now when you have put all your eggs in one basket of
Museveni is a Messiah and things work out this way surely you keep quite.
Then we have another group which was participating on Ugandanet by
supporting NRM not because it is a good government, but for their people are
in government and in power. To these they did not care whether millions are
dead as long as their people are in Uganda government and holding important
places. A classic example is when Kiiza Besigye left Uganda, we lost
participation on Ugandanet of a particular tribe.
That is the danger of allowing your self to sing a song on a government
blindly. You remember hen it was illegal to post any thing against UPDF
going to attack Rwanda, many Ugandans felt it was a good action for we are
going to set Rwanda free, they did not know or want to accept that the war
in Rwanda was to kill as many Hutus as possible. Ugandans are not that
critical thinkers, that is why you see Museveni is always a step ahead of

Those re some of so many factors why Ugandanet got a problem of low
attention, and the moment we grow up and understand that we can no longer
lie to Ugandans for it will hunt us in day light, then we can make
statements which we know we will repeat even the next day. But to state that
Ugandanet is dying for people were posting abusive and boring material? No
for evil will never out run goodness. The non boring material should have
over run that. Let us face the facts, you can no longer state that Uganda is
okay for Kasita Ffe Twebaka for that sleep has now moved on to Westerners
who were intended for it to start with. Let us get off this shot sightedness
and grow up.
             The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy"
             Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas
" avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy "

----- Original Message -----
From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: "Federation the answer for Uganda" by Prof. Bukenya (
1st May, 2002)

> Dr. Kigongo,
> I'll not get into the federo question/answer, for now, but do you know
> caused the fall of Ugandanet?

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