Mary Nagadya

Very Interesting

"We need to move forward with federalism. I am sure those who don't want it
can always live in place where there is no federalism.(M .N)

So now you are stating that we should put Federalism in Uganda and those who
do not want it should move out of Uganda? You are way over your self lady it
is not that easy if it was, trust me Museveni with Baganda would have killed
all Northerners by today. There are some other controlling factors in life
and not only your decision which commands. Look here Northerners should
teach us a lesson. Obote was overthrown, and NRM in 1984 or so, started a
war in the North to decimate the entire population. And do not deny that
fact for I was talking with NRM 's very high people. A decision was even
made to train every single Southerner in gun fight. And the argument was
(Yes it was an argument for I was in Toronto where that decision was made)
Let us train every Southerner on how to use a gun for that will be the only
way to control and finish the Northerners. In the end after a very long
fight, the plan went through, and every single Muganda even Nuns even Civil
servants was trained Militarily. I am talking about the birth of
Chakamuchaka. Uganda government had a plan of decimating the North, a plan
that received a whole support of Buganda. And in the many remarks which were
made was this one, "Do not worry they will all die of hunger their land is

Well let us look at it today in 2003

A huge number of Northerners have lost their lives and there is no debate on
that. But the government has used scare tactics as well, it has piled them
in Camps for years so that they fear and live their land, they have refused,
and it has not been easy they have been raped, AIDS is planted, School kids
have been captured mutilated and miraculously appear again, Uganda
government planed to close them, in fact NRM tried to build a school in
Bukalasa Agricultural Collage to pack in all kids from Northern Uganda. It
failed and schools are running today in the North In the middle of deaths
today 20 years and counting. A war in the North, was even an illegal fact to
be posted on Ugandanet. But this war has not only started to be discussed
open on Ugandanet, but it is even recognised by the United nations today.
And Northerners have achieved all this with out picking up a single gun. And
in the end the population of Northern Uganda will win this war. Museveni and
the entire Movement will disappear. Even if it will be one person alive, but
in the history of man kind,  that one person will stand in a public stadium
in Northen Uganda ands will declare Northern Uganda a region of peace.

And you are telling me that Buganda is going to put federalism in Uganda and
those who do not want it should leave? Just how will Buganda achieve that
goal? And are you saying that Baganda will then live in all of Uganda when
those Ugandan's who do not want federalism have been evacuated? Is this the
reason why Museveni is loved in Buganda for he is trying to depopulate
Northern Uganda  in advance? Please fill me in.

Now the rest of your posting is the same as yesterday's Mary if you were
born in a Banana plantation in Uganda I do not think that you are giving
birth in the same situation today. The shuttle crafts blew up, and let me
fill you in, NASA has all flights on stop untill when we find out what is
wrong, then and only then will the flights continue, it might be tomorrow or
in next ten years, I happen even to have a Canadian friend who was supposed
to go in August he is still here. Now with the cars, do you remember your
dad's car, the Opel,  did not have Air Bags, the Car I drive today has air
bags in the front, and in the sides as well and it is a very different car
with the one your dad had, and by the way the price is as well higher than
40,000 Dollars, do you know how many Opels your dad would have imported at
the same price?
All I am telling you is that you must tell Ugandans what is true. Uganda
needs leadership not federalism and if you want to put it in Uganda do a
ground work. Don't just come to us and tell us that we must dump political
partys and go with the movement for it takes every body and all of you are
movementists. Baganda failed to be critical thinkers then, for they sung
"Museveni Waffe" They are failing to be critical today, for this is nothing
but a ploy by DP losers who want a Buganda vote.

Be well Nyabo


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mary Nagadya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

> Dear Uganda Netters,
> Last year thousands of women all over the world died
> during childbirth. Should we stop reproducing until
> the process has been proven safe?
> In the past 15 years or so two shuttle crafts have
> blown up killing all aboard. Should America give up
> space exploration until a "safe shuttle" has been
> built?
> This year alone, thousands of people have died in car
> accidents. Should driving be banned and we go back to
> using mules and horses which do not crash?
> This year, hundreds of people have died when buildings
> they were in collapsed on top of them. Should humanity
> go back to caves?
> The fact is that federalism works. It worked well in
> B/Uganda prior ro 1966. This is not to say that it
> cannot be improved upon.
> I see no reason, other than the pulpable hostility,
> perhaps even hatred, for throwing out the baby with
> the bath water!
> We need to move forward with federalism. I am sure
> those who don't want it can always live in place where
> there is no federalism.
> Mary
> --- emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But Mulindwa, past errors should not stop us from
> > moving forward. You talk
> > about accountability in the US what about the ERON
> > case and other on going
> > corperate scandals which are unfolded are you
> > suggesting that because of
> > those problems, corperate America should be shut
> > down. All systems be they
> > in Uganda or America are run by human beings and i'm
> > yet to see or hear of a
> > human run system that is 100% perfect. Look i would
> > like to one day go to
> > west nile, Acholi, Langi etc and see developments of
> > the scale or even
> > greater than what is found in Kampala or Buganda and
> > probably even own a
> > home there, i think your plan ties people down into
> > an inferiority complex
> > where non-Baganda feel they can not prosper anywhere
> > else but in Buganda, a
> > good government should encourage development in
> > every part of the country
> > and i think that is what Mary is talking about.
> >
> > Please don't view every proposal different from
> > yours as politically
> > motivated, try to objectively analyze the LONG TERM
> > MERITS to our country.
> > Federalism has long term benefits to Uganda and the
> > people who actually
> > stand to benefit most are non-Baganda. The problem
> > is as i have said before
> > most of the other groups are concentrating on what
> > Buganda is proposing
> > instead of coming up with there own views and ideas
> > and this is where they
> > may lose out, remember also that Federalism is not a
> > winner take all system
> > it is a give and take system.
> >
> >
> > >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> > >Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 03:15:47 -0400
> > >
> > >Mary Nagadya
> > >
> > >Let us tell the whole story, yes those taxes are
> > paid on all levels in
> > >America, but the levels as well have
> > responsibilities they take with those
> > >collections. My self as Mulindwa, do not feel
> > comfortable giving Mengo my
> > >taxes so that they use it to put medicines in
> > Buganda hospitals, when they
> > >can not tell me what happened to the monies that my
> > father had saved in
> > >Teefe Bank. And I am a Muganda. So let us not copy
> > things from other
> > >nations
> > >and take them for granted that they will work in
> > Uganda, and that is the
> > >error we have done over and over. Instead of you
> > coming to America and you
> > >pick up that statement in abstract of taxes
> > collection, go back on the
> > >drawing board and post on Uganda net what the
> > Americans did before they got
> > >those responsibility/ies. Americans built a system,
> > and it is a huge and
> > >functioning system, they have accountability, you
> > can not loot money from a
> > >State Bank and walk free, tell me one person in
> > Buganda who was held
> > >accountable  for the failure of Teefe Bank? Let me
> > lower the level of my
> > >question, do you know him or her? Where is he or
> > her? And that is the same
> > >cramped up face you are going to bring in to work
> > on my taxes paid in
> > >Buganda? No I am sorry. That is how screwed is the
> > process being thrown
> > >into
> > >our throats of federalism. For it states, if you
> > give Buganda an autonomy
> > >of
> > >some kind Buganda will become accountable. That is
> > Bull and you and I know
> > >it.
> > >
> > >Many Ugandans have for example come into these
> > nations and asked for a
> > >simple thing credit card,  many have asked huge
> > limits on them, Nagadya
> > >what
> > >percentage of Ugandans still have those credits in
> > your own city? And I do
> > >not know where you live. Oh let me give you another
> > one, in all your
> > >Ugandan
> > >friends in your city, how many do you have that if
> > you need 50,000 dollars
> > >in 15 minutes, you can call this midnight? For
> > those are the true Uganda
> > >friends in America. You see because we come into
> > these nations and we think
> > >that getting a credit card is a right, getting a
> > mortgage is a right, no it
> > >is a privilege and you have to work for it, in
> > other words you start by
> > >getting a good income, and you do not need a credit
> > card of 20,000 dollars
> > >credit limit for the Bank will give it to you, may
> > be you need one of 500
> > >dollars. Accountability. Responsibility. We must
> > work on the basement
> > >before
> > >we build the house, Ugandans start building by
> > putting in the windows. It
> > >is
> > >sad that this is the same way you want to build our
> > nation.
> > >
> > >But here is another good one, you state " There is
> > a simple solution if you
> > >do not want to pay particular taxes. If you are a
> > Yankee and do not want to
> > >pay Texas taxes: just do NOT live in Texas or
> > whatever other state you find
> > >offensive. The same applies to other levels of
> > government." That is the
> > >very
> > >reason why Ugandans will fight this kind of
> > Federalism, Ugandans especially
> > >non Baganda have invested more money in Buganda
> > than Baganda, and you want
> > >to start now threatening them with these fantasies?
> > Okay we will stay on
> > >the
> > >side line and watch.
> > >
> > >And those are the problems you will face over and
> > over for you have refused
> > >to do a proper home work, you have refused to
> > discuss serious issues for
> > >you
> > >have one weapon you are using as "Shock and awe"
> > You all hate Buganda.
> > >Marry
> > >Nagaddya it will hunt you at the end of the day. A
> > good example is the
> > >native Indians, can you tell me which reserve in
> > America collects taxes and
> > >is developing its self using those taxes, yet they
> > are as well in America?
> > >That can very easily happen as well in Uganda. Give
> > Ugandans the whole
> > >facts
> > >don't be selective.
> > >
> > >All well.
> > >Em
> > >
> > >             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> > >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > >             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> > >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> > l'anarchie"
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: "Mary Nagadya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 9:04 PM
> > >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> > >
> > >
> > > > Dear Uganda Netters,
> > > >
> > > > Here is why I Haji Nadduli is spot on about the
> > > > projects issue.
> > > >
> > > > In America, taxes are collected at the federal,
> > state,
> > > > county, and city levels.
> > > >
> > > > No one is forced to pay any of the lower taxes
> > (here
> > > > lower means sub-federal).
> > > >
> > > > There is a simple solution if you do not want to
> > pay
> > > > particular taxes. If you are a Yankee and do not
> > want
> > > > to pay Texas taxes: just do NOT live in Texas or
> > > > whatever other state you find offensive. The
> > same
> > > > applies to other levels of government.
> > > >
> > > > Otherwise as long as you enjoy the services
> > provided
> >
> === message truncated ===
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