
What is normal is any state any country or any organisation, is to start by
creating sources of income, after you have those sources then you will know
how and if you can/will tax the population. It is very complicated to build
a house starting from the roof. Secondly are you sure a Mugisu or even a
Muganda will pay his taxes to Mengo, an institution that is (a) corrupt and
(b) un elected?


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale

> Mulindwa,
> you seem to have specialized in taking statements out of context and
> to use them to satisfy your motives. The facts I gave to COO were related
> the issue of the status of Kampala at the time (early 60s) and he hasn't
> challenged them. I never claimed that the tax base now is the same as it
> then.
> I'm not quite sure where you got that stuff about graduated tax but it
> you are just making it up. I doubt your little brain is able to follow the
> intricacies of taxation. I shall therefore just restrict myself to giving
> you a list of the type of taxes federalists are proposing for the
> levels of government. As you will see, there is no mention of the
> tax which you are accusing federalists of proposing.
> And, yes, under a federal system, whether he feels comfortable or not, a
> Mugisu living in Bweyogerere will have to pay taxes to the Buganda
> government for that's where he will be getting his services from.
> Kasangwawo
> ......
> Taxation
> Federal, State and Local governments shall have the ability to raise taxes
> to meet their administrative, social, economic, and development
> responsibilities.
> Tax collection shall be either shared (concurrent), or Exclusive.
> Federal Revenue Authorities shall collect federal taxes, while State and
> Local Revenue Authorities shall collect State and Local taxes.
> ........
> Concurrent Federal and State Taxes
> The Federal Government and the States shall share the following taxes:
> a) Personal Income Tax (PIT), Federal Government 35%, States 65% (Germany)
> b) Corporate Income Tax (CIT), Federal Government, 35%, States 65%
> c) Value Added Tax (VAT), also called the Retail Sales Tax (RST)
> d) Tobacco Tax
> e) Gasoline Tax
> f) Fuel Tax - this and the gasoline tax
> g) Mining Tax
> h) Capital gains tax, 50% inclusion rate
> i) Excise taxes
> j) Alcohol taxes
> k) Levies on gambling establishments
> ....
> Exclusive Federal Taxes
> The federal government shall collect all Equalization taxes and
> the revenue among the states according to the formulas set by law.
> Exclusive Local Government Taxes
> The Lower Local governments including Municipalities, Districts and
> shall collect the following taxes:
> Property Taxes
> Business taxes
> Market taxes
> Taxi Parks
> Trading Licenses
> Housing Estates
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> >Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 18:44:27 -0400
> >
> >In as much as Naduli might be right or wrong, but Buganda must and should
> >start to think in the 21st century. Buganda must look into investment,
> >job creation, into creating tax bases. But you see it is only comical
> >we complain on what we must be given. That is why I was so amazed that I
> >have spent now almost three years preaching a gospel of stopping
> >tax system in Uganda, for it is surely the most primitive taxation one
> >look at. But here I was and Buganda has put its foot down for if it does
> >not get taxation rights in Uganda it is going to refuse the federalism.
> >Where are the critical thinkers in Buganda? Is there any nation you know
> >today that Uses graduated tax system for its funds? It is primitive and
> >must be stopped hence forth. But Buganda is crying for that and today.
> >Then you look on another one, one of the Preachers of Mengo sermon in the
> >forum, last week reminded COO that Buganda was given the Kampala tax
> >which included the Indians'buisnesses. Well but today the Indians are no
> >longer in Uganda, if they are there, the tax base is not as it was, Again
> >Buganda stop thinking that you are still in the year 1500 this is 2003
> >moving and fast. For you can not help but wonder, suppose NRM today gives
> >Buganda a right to collect tax who are they going to tax? Again my
> >embattled mother? And is Mengo sure that the population will hand over
> >monies willingly? If so how many Baganda are pumping money to help Mengo
> >today financially? The population cosmic has as well changed, you will be
> >amazed that today there are more non-Baganda in Buganda, you do not
> >me? Try visiting Bweyogerere you will think that you are in Mbaale, Are
> >those good citizens going to pay taxes to maintain the Buganda Kingdom?
> >see a Mugisu might feel very comfortable paying his taxes to NRM
> >for it is a Uganda government, but will he pay it to run the Buganda
> >government? Thos are very serious questions Mengo must ask her self, but
> >you see we are not supposed to bring up such questions for then, we are
> >anti Buganda and working for Obote who is the main employer of Ugandans
> >these days.
> >And I will say as I did some moths ago, we should look at the assets, why
> >keep the Mengo government in Bulange, a government which does not raise
> >funds. Squeezed in a national capital. Why don't we move this government
> >with the King to Bamunanika, we go to Baamunanika and buy a whole land
> >the land is actually available, we take our cultural leader and vacate
> >Bulange and most of those Kampala buildings. For trust me Sheraton can
> >a good some of money to Mengo if it uses that building, and it will
> >renovate it to the standards of the capital city and Mengo will in the
> >be the winner, than sticking with it and it is helping Kampala mice to
> >breed. You will one day get a strong mayor for Kampala and he will shut
> >down, of what value is that to Buganda?
> >
> >Identification crisis? Yes. But uncritical thinking? Very poisonous, just
> >watch as time goes by.
> >
> >Em
> >
> >             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Omar Kezimbira
> >   Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:48 PM
> >   Subject: ugnet_: Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> >
> >
> >         Nadduli Defends Land Sale
> >
> >         By Richard Komakech
> >         THE Luweero district chairman has challenged the Mengo
> >to devise projects that will help the Baganda utilise their land instead
> >selling it.
> >         Haji Abdul Nadduli, commenting on the ongoing row between the
> >kingdom and Property Masters, a Kampala real estate agency, said the
> >Baganda are trying to fight poverty through selling their land.
> >         "We only need to revive our economy and land sale will stop.
> >Property Masters is not the problem, but are just mediators between
> >who want to sell their land and those who want to buy it," Nadduli said.
> >         "Why won't a peasant sell his land if there are people willing
> >buy it?" he said.
> >         Nadduli said the sale was a positive move towards decongesting
> >urban centres of slums.
> >         Buganda kingdom's Lukiiko (parliament) last week banned Property
> >Masters from advertising on the kingdom's radio, Central Broadcasting
> >Service (CBS).
> >         The Lukiiko said Property Masters' business dealings are a
> >deliberate move to deprive the Baganda of their land.
> >         Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi and his katikkiro Joseph
> >have at several occasions attacked Property Masters over their business.
> >         "I cannot concur with this argument. However, much as we cry
> >land sale, we can't do much except finding gainful economic activity for
> >the subjects," Nadduli said.
> >         Property Masters' boss, Peter Kasulu, recently cut ties with CBS
> >after Ssemwogerere accused him of masterminding a plan to rip the Baganda
> >of their land.
> >         Ends
> >
> >         Published on: Monday, 29th September, 2003
> >
> >         Email this article to a friend.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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