Masaazi,I hope you are not breeding true to the stereotypes that many
a would be Ugandan intellectuals find themselves conforming to.Many
a times when others  hold opinions at variance with your own on given
topical issues,they must and should be UPC people!.Why this tunnel
intellectualism?.We are all agreed that UPC has twice been at the helm
of power in Uganda yet I have yet to know or be informed by you"the
none UPC people" where it was a policy that UPC followed to commit
all the crimes that you keep referring to.
Sometime ago,some members brought about the crimes that they purport to have been committed against them by UPC and Milton Obite
in particular,yet for close to 40 years now they have come up with zilch
plaint in the court of law for redress.What does that mean?.They are
engaging in "Lugambo" which they very well know is in admissible as
evidence in a court of Law.
As late as 2 months ago even the former Governor of Kampala Maj Abdullah Nassur challenged anyone whom he made to eat slippers as the lugambo used to state to take him to court,up to now, I am waiting to see whether you Musaazi is helping them draft their plaint,otherwise,we should desist from innuendoes and guilt by association.
If indeed as you contend Obote is the Genesis of Uganda's problems,why should Uganda not move on and be worthy of reporting and praising to anyone who dares to hear/listen 18 years without him?.
What do you as Musaazi require to exorcise his influence in Uganda?.
Uganda's problems has been caused by myopic minded Ugandans who
are more in for cheer leading that looking at leadership as a service to
the citizens of Uganda.
I have always stated a wrong is a wrong and like the biblical writ states
those in the know like the Mu7s state are judged even with severer standards that they set themselves apriori.We can not now lower standards because the excesses of the hero of the "Ffe Twebaka Otulo" syndrome has now caught up him.
That unfortunately is the reality.Remember the Nazi holocaust crimes,
50 years after there defeat,they are still hunting for the perpetrators and their collaborators.I hope Musaaazi is not listed as a collaborator of this
Fascist kleptomaniac Mu7.
Thank you.

emmanuel musaazi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...but Mr. Kipenji you must agree with Mr.Kironde that previous regimes did
far worse and again this is not to excuse the indesgrations of the present
government. This has always been my point of strong disagreement with you
UPC people, your in ability to first and foremost "remove the log of wood
from your own eyes before trying to remove the splinter in someone elses
eye". The "holier than thou" image you portray does not wash because we
Ugandans know what happened during idi amin, Obote/Okello eras. Nobody is
saying that Uganda is perfect and even with the present inperfections Uganda
is better off than many countries (i should know 'cos i have been around
Africa and world) however what everybody with a sincere and object mind
acknowledges and sees is that Uganda is FAR BETTER OFF than the days of your
murderous heroes Obote/Okelo and Amin.

Infact im my opinion Obote is the genesis of all Ugandas problems because he
introduced authoritarian rule to Uganda and from that point on it was down
hill for Uganda. Obote elevated Idi Amin in the army (just to use him to
eradicate monarchy and destroy our constitution), in so doing gave Amin the
opportunity to take power. It is said that to whom much is given much is
expected, Obote had the grandest opportunity to realy make Uganda great, he
inheritated a sound economy, a very good public service, a very good
constitution. In short he inheritated a very good SYSTEM (THE SAME SYSTEM
THAT MULINDWA IS YAPPING ABOUT), well what did he do with it? He proceded to
destroy it, now the same UPC people like Mulindwa are barking about SYSTEM ,
SYSTEM after they destroyed. I have been saying and will continue to say
that President Museveni is basically doing a clean up job, cleaning Obote,
Okelo and Amins messes.

Unlike Obote, President Museveni inherited virtually NOTHING, i don't even
think there was anything in Uganda's treasury when President Museveni took
over. So when i hear the Kipenjis, Mulindwas and Mateks of this world going
on about DEMOCRACY, PEACE, SYSTEM and all that i don't get angry, rather i
just feel sorry for Uganda and Africa, because they exemplify the African
tragedy, which is a vicious cycle of "not learning". We Africans have a
habbit of refusing to learn from our mistakes or tragedies. Right now i am
ready to bet any amount that if the UPC got back to power they would just
continue from where they were stoped and the mayhem which Ugandans were
spared when they were removed would start right back.

>From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY
>Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 13:08:22 +0100 (BST)
>Kironde,in the 21st Century,I do believe all people who have
>sought enlightenment through schooling/education,would be the last
>to put to disuse what they will have invested heavily in interms of
>time and money.Blanket statements like "Vagabond regimes taking
>people to Namanve" should really be qualified and proven to have
>been government policies before being uttered like you have just done.
>If you indeed believe in transparency as you appear to aver,why not
>tell your murderous hero Mu7 to stop killing innocent Ugandans,or
>to you,they are just biological substances who afterall need to be
>decimated so that your kingdom gets its lost glory?
>What does this transparency stuff help you achieve if your thief hero
>is caught red handed and this has been going on for the past 18 years.
>Has it made the money so spend to be refunded to the treasury?
>The politics of unprincipled proganda will not help you and your type.
>Ugandan are just sick of being fleeced by your kleptomaniac and since
>in the Kavuyo you have gotten something you would rather praise it as
>transparency.That is indeed crap that is reminiscent of warped minds.
>Thank you.
>Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>the noise made is simply because of the transparency. Gone vagabond
>regimes used state assets at will. Some of the soldiers abused government
>property and one owned the Coffee Marketing Board and would only cut the
>government a check if he felt it was necessary.
>This is a regime where the president would be challenged on his
>expenditure, then he would come out and shade some light on such seemingly
>anomalies. Uganda has moved so far that the president can come out to
>explain to Ugandans instead of sending them to Nnamanve as was the norm.
>It is the baby shower Ugandans gave to the first grandchild.
>It is amazing that those who do not contribute
>a penny to the nation make the loudest noise.
> If anything, those who pay tax in Uganda must be the ones to question the
>accountability of their taxes.
>-------Original Message-------
>Date: Monday, October 06, 2003 09:29:18 PM
>President Museveni's grand-child has taken over the press for now almost 10
>days. And most of the people are more concerned about the monies that were
>spent for this creation miracle to take place. I have read many comments
>including what my neighbour Muniini Mulera posted in Uganda Monitor. I
>however want to take this thinking a step further in a different direction
>that many of those who are writing have failed to look at.
>If you read the president's explanation of why he had to send this girl to
>Germany you would see that Museveni is a president who is very scared. He
>is scared of the medical system he has created in Uganda, he has no Doctor
>he trusts with not only his life but with the lives of the members of his
>family. But this government is not new in Uganda, it has been in power for
>20 years plus or minus. Why has president Museveni failed to get a Uganda
>Doctor he trusts? Secondly, when I look at president Museveni, I see that
>he has fewer years in power than those he has been in power, so that means
>he can not start today to get a Doctor he can trust. My question then
>becomes, what will he do if he leaves office? If he is not elected tomorrow
>for a third term, how will he and his entire family get medical attention
>if he does not trust any of them to today?
>Secondly, One of the reasons which brought Museveni to presidency, was to
>get the Dictators out of power. But Iddi Amin fell sick in Uganda and was
>operated on in Mulago Hospital. Is President Museveni telling us today that
>Ugandans loved Iddi Amin than they love him? let me take this argument
>further, President Obote was shot in Lugogo, and he was immediately rushed
>again to Mulago Hospital for an operation. President Museveni claims that
>Ugandans love him more than they love Obote. Why was Obote able to get an
>operation in a Uganda hospital, yet Museveni is claiming that he had to
>send Natasha to Germany for security reasons?
>I have read Museveni's explanation and I could not help but ask only one
>question, was Natasha sent to Germany for security reasons or because under
>National Resistance Movement, the entire medical infrastructure has been
>destroyed? And that includes even the most basic items, water supply and
>electricity, services which were taken for granted under the two previous
>Edward Mulindwa
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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