
Dictator Museveni has been caught with his hands deep in the tax payers' cookie jar. And now you are trying to placate him. Why?


>From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY
>Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 14:03:19 -0500
>...but Mr. Kipenji you must agree with Mr.Kironde that previous
>regimes did far worse and again this is not to excuse the
>indesgrations of the present government. This has always been my
>point of strong disagreement with you UPC people, your in ability to
>first and foremost "remove the log of wood from your own eyes before
>trying to remove the splinter in someone elses eye". The "holier
>than thou" image you portray does not wash because we Ugandans know
>what happened during idi amin, Obote/Okello eras. Nobody is saying
>that Uganda is perfect and even with the present inperfections
>Uganda is better off than many countries (i should know 'cos i have
>been around Africa and world) however what everybody with a sincere
>and object mind acknowledges and sees is that Uganda is FAR BETTER
>OFF than the days of your murderous heroes Obote/Okelo and Amin.
>Infact im my opinion Obote is the genesis of all Ugandas problems
>because he introduced authoritarian rule to Uganda and from that
>point on it was down hill for Uganda. Obote elevated Idi Amin in the
>army (just to use him to eradicate monarchy and destroy our
>constitution), in so doing gave Amin the opportunity to take power.
>It is said that to whom much is given much is expected, Obote had
>the grandest opportunity to realy make Uganda great, he inheritated
>a sound economy, a very good public service, a very good
>constitution. In short he inheritated a very good SYSTEM (THE SAME
>SYSTEM THAT MULINDWA IS YAPPING ABOUT), well what did he do with it?
>He proceded to destroy it, now the same UPC people like Mulindwa are
>barking about SYSTEM , SYSTEM after they destroyed. I have been
>saying and will continue to say that President Museveni is basically
>doing a clean up job, cleaning Obote, Okelo and Amins messes.
>Unlike Obote, President Museveni inherited virtually NOTHING, i
>don't even think there was anything in Uganda's treasury when
>President Museveni took over. So when i hear the Kipenjis, Mulindwas
>and Mateks of this world going on about DEMOCRACY, PEACE, SYSTEM and
>all that i don't get angry, rather i just feel sorry for Uganda and
>Africa, because they exemplify the African tragedy, which is a
>vicious cycle of "not learning". We Africans have a habbit of
>refusing to learn from our mistakes or tragedies. Right now i am
>ready to bet any amount that if the UPC got back to power they would
>just continue from where they were stoped and the mayhem which
>Ugandans were spared when they were removed would start right back.
>>From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY
>>Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 13:08:22 +0100 (BST)
>>Kironde,in the 21st Century,I do believe all people who have
>>sought enlightenment through schooling/education,would be the last
>>to put to disuse what they will have invested heavily in interms
>>time and money.Blanket statements like "Vagabond regimes taking
>>people to Namanve" should really be qualified and proven to have
>>been government policies before being uttered like you have just
>>If you indeed believe in transparency as you appear to aver,why not
>>tell your murderous hero Mu7 to stop killing innocent Ugandans,or
>>to you,they are just biological substances who afterall need to be
>>decimated so that your kingdom gets its lost glory?
>>What does this transparency stuff help you achieve if your thief
>>is caught red handed and this has been going on for the past 18
>>Has it made the money so spend to be refunded to the treasury?
>>The politics of unprincipled proganda will not help you and your
>>Ugandan are just sick of being fleeced by your kleptomaniac and
>>in the Kavuyo you have gotten something you would rather praise it
>>transparency.That is indeed crap that is reminiscent of warped
>>Thank you.
>>Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>the noise made is simply because of the transparency. Gone
>>vagabond regimes used state assets at will. Some of the soldiers
>>abused government property and one owned the Coffee Marketing Board
>>and would only cut the government a check if he felt it was
>>This is a regime where the president would be challenged on his
>>expenditure, then he would come out and shade some light on such
>>seemingly anomalies. Uganda has moved so far that the president can
>>come out to explain to Ugandans instead of sending them to Nnamanve
>>as was the norm. It is the baby shower Ugandans gave to the first
>>It is amazing that those who do not contribute
>>a penny to the nation make the loudest noise.
>> If anything, those who pay tax in Uganda must be the ones to
>>question the accountability of their taxes.
>>-------Original Message-------
>>Date: Monday, October 06, 2003 09:29:18 PM
>>Subject: ugnet_: NATASHA KARUGIRE'S BABY
>>President Museveni's grand-child has taken over the press for now
>>almost 10 days. And most of the people are more concerned about the
>>monies that were spent for this creation miracle to take place. I
>>have read many comments including what my neighbour Muniini Mulera
>>posted in Uganda Monitor. I however want to take this thinking a
>>step further in a different direction that many of those who are
>>writing have failed to look at.
>>If you read the president's explanation of why he had to send this
>>girl to Germany you would see that Museveni is a president who is
>>very scared. He is scared of the medical system he has created in
>>Uganda, he has no Doctor he trusts with not only his life but with
>>the lives of the members of his family. But this government is not
>>new in Uganda, it has been in power for 20 years plus or minus. Why
>>has president Museveni failed to get a Uganda Doctor he trusts?
>>Secondly, when I look at president Museveni, I see that he has
>>fewer years in power than those he has been in power, so that means
>>he can not start today to get a Doctor he can trust. My question
>>then becomes, what will he do if he leaves office? If he is not
>>elected tomorrow for a third term, how will he and his entire
>>family get medical attention if he does not trust any of them to
>>Secondly, One of the reasons which brought Museveni to presidency,
>>was to get the Dictators out of power. But Iddi Amin fell sick in
>>Uganda and was operated on in Mulago Hospital. Is President
>>Museveni telling us today that Ugandans loved Iddi Amin than they
>>love him? let me take this argument further, President Obote was
>>shot in Lugogo, and he was immediately rushed again to Mulago
>>Hospital for an operation. President Museveni claims that Ugandans
>>love him more than they love Obote. Why was Obote able to get an
>>operation in a Uganda hospital, yet Museveni is claiming that he
>>had to send Natasha to Germany for security reasons?
>>I have read Museveni's explanation and I could not help but ask
>>only one question, was Natasha sent to Germany for security reasons
>>or because under National Resistance Movement, the entire medical
>>infrastructure has been destroyed? And that includes even the most
>>basic items, water supply and electricity, services which were
>>taken for granted under the two previous governments!!
>>Edward Mulindwa
>> The Mulindwas Communication Group
>>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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