Once a Wolf, always a wolf! 

UPC should stick to its principle.  For UPC to reinvent the political powers of Kabaka would be compromising its principle (assuming of course it has principles).  UPC’s anarchy hates the monarchy. The Buganda Monarchy is evil to the UPC syndicalism. Compromising with “evil” is worse than defeat. Win or lose on the principles of your foundation.  The syndicalism is to portray Buganda as a monster and hence curtail her prowess.

Bringing the Kabaka into the ever controversial Ugandan politics, and have political powers where we have an Executive president is but seeking other ways of re-exiling him or find reasons to send him 6 feet deep as was the case for his father – if we are to believe history!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of J Ssemakula
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: RE: [FedsNet] UPC on Federalism


Mr. Matekopok:

I am not in the killing/imprisonment business, which is what the UPC excel at. 

I stated that UPC are our mortal enemies and gave concrete examples why that is my opinion. One would think that you might attack those ideas rather than resorting to the futile exercise of tying to insult me.

Call me any names as your intellect conjures up, to your heart's content: but it won't change an iota in those very well documented fact as I stated them.

To me, my paramount duty is clear: and that is, at all cost,  do everything humanly -- and legally -- possible to ensure that UPC is never again in position to do us harm, no matter how the UPC package themselves.

This includes constantly reminding my fellows just how much pain and horrible suffering the UPC inflicted upon us on two separate occassions, so that they may never be under any illusions as to what the true nature of the UPC is, why UPC exists, and what the UPC will surely do every single time they are given a chance as surely as a hyaena cannot change his spots!



----Original Message Follows----





Subject: Re: ugnet_: RE: [FedsNet] UPC on Federalism

Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 18:35:55 EST

In a message dated 2/19/2004 2:33:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,


> UPC is our enemy, nor matter how they package themselves. Remember

> Naakulabye! Remember the infamous killing fields of 'Luweero Triangle'! Remember

> 'Panda Gari'! Remember 1966!, etc, etc. Never, never again!


Better reexamine your statements above. You claim that quote "UPC is our

enemy". do you know how many UPC members are in Uganda?  Since UPC is your enemy

what are you going to do with all those millions of Ugandans who happen to be

UPC members? Kill them? imprison them or what Please spare us  your ignorance!

It is totally unwarrant to reason  like  a typical villager who never went to

school.  you come out like a Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] would like to feel like we are

dealing with  educated mines here...not a bunch of Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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