Mulindwa please go to bed.
  If you don't see the flaws in your arguments, then there is something serious 
to be questioned. If Besigye crafted the movement policies that have seen it 
through 20 years now, why is it difficult for him, for the last ten or so 
years, to craft policies that should have brought it, the NRA/M, down by now? 
  Perhaps this "I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the 
Movement policies this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would 
vote for Museveni than Kiiza Besigye any time." in colour is what readers 
should pay attention to, to understand a little more.
  You continued "And politics is never a profession, they have tried and 
failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move on." Are you 
being serious? What opposition leadership in Uganda has tried and succeeded? 
Tell us? Has the UPC leadership tried and succeeded? What about the DP; CP, 
etc. Have they all tried and succeeded? Or, they have not tried at all maybe, 
therefore they should be the only ones to be allowed to try on and on, while 
Mulindwa votes for Museveni each time the Beigyes try? 
  Mulindwa take such childish argument away and far.
  Then again you stated "Well if that is true why do you consider me not being 
smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson Mande whose 
name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the Missile that took 
the plane down?"
  Simple: Because you don't understand what are being said. As simple as that. 
Mulindwa, are you going to boot out every single Ugandan who work for the NRA/M 
government? The fundamental question here is NOT who bought the missile; BUT 
who ENGINEERED the entire scheme!! Get that and understand it clearly. It will 

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am trying my best not to get entangled into your arguments for I have seen 
them way long to burn my gas but let me respond to you as brief as I can.
  I am scared of FDC for if these people managed to craft the Movement policies 
this good to be effective for twenty years, I surely would vote for Museveni 
than Kiiza Besigye any time. And politics is never a profession, they have 
tried and failed, some like Besgiye even stood twice and lost, let them move 
on.  Second you state and I quote "Everything that went wrong in Uganda 
including the assassination of former Rwandan president was diue to Mu7, who is 
the architect of it all." End quote. Well if that is true why do you consider 
me not being smart when I get bothered of not only Museveni but Colonel Samson 
Mande whose name appears on the certificate of origin, as a buyer of the 
Missile that took the plane down?
  I am going to bed.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  Why are you so scared of the FDC than even the movement govt that is running 
the country as we speak? And why are you scared shitfull of yourself of Kizza 
Besigye, Samson Mande, and Mugisha Muntu than Mu7 and his NRA/M running the 
country today? Do these people know something about you, you don't feel 
comfortable about? Inquiring mind would like to know! 
  If not then I don't see why you should be so scared of the FDC which by and 
large is still under construction. Make sense to you? Everything that went 
wrong in Uganda including the assassination of former Rwandan president was 
diue to Mu7, who is the architect of it all. But you are instead attacking the 
Mandes, to perpetuate Mu7 in power maybe?, who were themselves recruits of Mu7 
the architect. Mulindwa you cannot be very smart! I pitty you.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          And you expect Mugisha Muntu who was a commanding officer of UPDF as 
it was burning Ugandans in Mukura to be on of the top leaders of FDC as these 
assets are being confiscated. Then you expect Colonel Samson Mande who was 
commanding in the North as the entire brigade 35 was murdered including their 
children and wives to  start a party as FDC that will confiscate these assets. 
We have been right in this position when the Luwero war was running and we were 
called idiots for it is only Museveni that can remove Obote. Today the war of 
Uganda has been again personalized to the name Yoweri Museveni.
  Ugandans have every right not to involve them selves into such madness.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ocii 
  To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:54 PM
  Subject: [Ugnet] MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania

  These are the kinds of public fund embezzlements that keeps Uganda, and 
indeed Africa underdeveloped! Idiot leaders emebezzling public funds with 
  Well, keep this plus many other issues alive. Eventually these individuals 
will have to pay back the money, or their wealth taken. Period.

        MPs probe Museveni schools in Tanzania    Yasiin Mugerwa     PARLIAMENT 
  A PARLIAMENTARY committee has instituted a probe into circumstances under 
which President Yoweri Museveni spent Shs1.6 billion of tax-payers money to 
construct two schools in Tanzania.

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee yesterday instructed its legal 
department to investigate the conditions under which the President committed 
public funds amounting to US$932,823.2 to build two secondary schools in 
The two schools include Nyamiyaga, Murongo located in Karagwe area and 
Nyarigamba, Muhutwe situated in Muleba District bordering Bokoba area.

According to correspondences Daily Monitor has seen, the construction of the 
two schools began some time in 2005 after Multiplex Ltd, a Ugandan private 
company allegedly won the contract.

The construction comes at a time when there is acute shortage of classrooms for 
Universal Primary Education and Universal Secondary Education in the country. 

Concern was raised after the committee learnt that the money (Shs1.6 billion) 
Mr Museveni used for the construction was charged on the donation account of 
the StateHouse budget without authority. The committee also heard that the two 
schools were a donation by Mr Museveni to the Tanzanians for their historical 
contribution to the 1979 liberation struggle that ousted the former President, 
late Idd Amin Dada from power. 

“This is unacceptable as Parliament we cannot appropriate money for Tanzanians 
yet many Ugandans are still grappling with illiteracy. This money would have 
gone to Luweero District but not Tanzania,” said Nandala Mafabi (Budadiri West) 
the committee chairperson. 

“This was a Ugandan struggle not for Tanzanians. If the president wished to 
donate he would have used his personal savings not public resources. To bring 
this (donation) to our budget was wrong.” 

Richard Muhinda, the Statehouse Comptroller said the money was part of 
President Museveni’s donation item and is not limited to any country. “The 
President is the fountain of honour and is free to donate to any person that 
deserves assistance in whatever locality,” said Mr Muhinda.

“It had been an outstanding donation to the people of Tanzania and we had to 
squeeze our own budget (StateHouse) to fulfill this pledge.” 

But the committee has established that even the circumstances under which 
Multiplex Ltd was awarded a $1 million contract to construct the two schools 
had loopholes. 
It is alleged that the tendering process was not clear since Mr Muhinda 
admitted that there was no advertising made inviting other bidders as the 
construction of both schools was an emergency.

Mr Muhinda insists that there was no foul play because StateHouse used 
restrictive bidding involving Multiplex Ltd, Roko Construction Company Ltd, 
Transaction International and Complliant Engineers & Trade Ltd. 

“We offered the tender to Multiplex because they had a fair deal. Their rates 
were lower compared to others. I am proud to have been part of this project 
because it was transparent and we followed the law,” Mr Muhinda said. 

But the committee wondered whether it would be possible for Tanzanian 
authorities to allow Ugandan Parliament to conduct a value-for money audit into 
the project.
Daily Monitor has learnt that State House contract with Multiplex was not 
signed by any Multiplex official but instead with the Tanzanian government.
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