Compatriots Ocii, EM, and the rest of us,
  This language: Puerile, foolish, stupid, bankrupt is so rampant in our forum. 
 I think we need to check it.  Deployment of invective is not a healthy way to 
  Personal attacks on an individual that is advancing a claim does not falsify 
that claim.
  I implore you to agree with me that, we are debating on the future of about 
30 Million people and I do not think we can afford to dissipate our energies by 
insulting each other.  Please, Please, Please!
  I am forwarding all of us a link to a site that lays out some basic 
principles of argument, also outlining 42 logical fallacies which I think we 
all need to look at. Link: 
  Compatriot (short for COMrade PATRIck OTto ) --Patrick Otto 
  Palabek, Uganda

ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Though I am not for federo, your argument that there is no constitution that 
can allow Dr. Besigye when he comes to power to usher in federo is quite stupid 
to say the least. If the person who relay to us Dr. Besigye's comment on the 
issue of federo relaid it correctly, then I believe Dr. Besigye may have made 
the comment without thinking it through. If Uganda must have federo, all the 
provinces are going to have it whether they like it or not, especially when 
those who don't like it are in the minority. So federo is not about those who 
like it only. I am sure Dr. Besigye was quoted out of context! Ugandan scribes 
have been bruised for long and most time don't write intelligently exuding a 
good grasp of the subject matter.
  But back to your puerile argument. Constiution don't fall from heaven ready 
made; constitution are crafted by those who deemed what are conctituted in are 
for the good of the people. If the FDC comes to power, I am sure some areas of 
the NRA/M constitution of 1995 will be thrown out, if they are not indeed 
suited for the people. But I am not for federo, so the FDC will have to 
convince the entire Ugandans to agree and allow for federo. Baganda cannot 
force the entire Uganda to kwotow to their whimp; it is them that must abide by 
democratic principles. So, if the majority of Ugandans are not for federo, they 
will have to live with. If on the other hand the majority of Ugandans are for 
federo then the new government will have to include into the constitution a 
bill allowing for the establishment of a federal state. How to go about 
ushering in federo is what will be hammered out in the process.
  So, don't be arguing like a fool! The NRA/M constitution can be amended or 
even thrown out all together. NRA/M must respect its constitution first before 
Ugandans in unison can respect the constitution. Mu7 failed to respect the 
constitution, changing it to suit his needs. Who does he expect then to respect 
that constitution? The NRA/M will be lucky if the constitution is not thrown 
out all together by a new government. Failing to respect the constitution, 
their own constitution, demonstrated to Ugandans that the constition is 
useless. So, we are going to need a useful constition. Period.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    .hmmessage P {   PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 
0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px  }  BODY.hmmessage {   FONT-SIZE: 10pt; 
FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma  }        Emmy Wasiirwa
  How can I discuss substance when a man stands up and states that he will 
offer federalism? The Quote is "all those regions that want a federal 
arrangement get it." End quote. Eplain to me exactly how Dr Kiiza Besigye as a 
new President will change Uganda from a unitary to a Federal state. And what 
will happen to the regions that do not like it? And will that then be a Federal 
Uganda or a Unitary Uganda? Do you know of any Federalism instituted in any 
nation world over for a President or a Prime Minister instructed so? Now you 
are either telling me that Dr. Kiiza Besigye is so stupid to understand how 
Federalism is created or he is a plain liar.
  I need to know your pick.
   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Emmy Wasirwa 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 3:37 AM
  Subject: RE: Are Besigye's USA trips worth it?

Edward Mulindwa,
Do you know the defination of a liar??? What makes you quantify that KB is a 
liar when he says, "I will return the properties and never turn uganda into a 
federal state" Discuss substance not people. Let us look at the political 
implications of the statement but not whether the person is lying or not, 
because we dont know what he thinks. I wish we were able to open his head that 
would be the only way we would know that he was lying.

> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 18:00:49 -0400
> Subject: Re: Are Besigye's USA trips worth it?
> Ugandans
> Dr. Kiiza Besigye is lying he will never return any properties and he will 
> never turn Uganda into a federal state for there is no single known 
> constitution that can even empower him to do so. That was simply a childish 
> talk fade to uncritical thinkers. And no you can never claim that you were 
> duped for I have told you right now.
> EM
> Toronto
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "loveuganda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ugandans at Heart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 1:16 PM
> Subject: Are Besigye's USA trips worth it?
> >
> > Besigye Rocks Boston With FDC Gospel
> >
> > Red Pepper Online
> >
> > By By Eva Nabawanuka
> >
> > Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president, Col. Kizza Besigye on
> > Saturday rocked Boston city in USA with FDC's new hot evangelism,
> > turning the city into an extended Ekimeeza, Red Pepper can
> > reveal.However, Besigye did not steal the day any easily as he was
> > bombarded with sharp piercing queries.
> >
> > While addressing guests who were mostly Ugandans, Besigye was put to
> > task to answer as to why most top positions in government were given
> > to people from the western region and why power was not equally
> > divided according to regions so that democracy could be seen
> > throughout the country.
> >
> > Some of the Baganda in the Diaspora asked Besigye what he will do when
> > given power on the issue concerning the lost property of the Baganda
> > during colonial rule and Obote's regime. He assured them that what he
> > will do first is to make sure that each region gets back its property
> > and all those regions that want a federal arrangement get it.
> >
> > They commended Besigye for being the first top politician from Uganda
> > to visit and talk to them about the politics in their homeland even
> > before the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni could do so.
> >
> > However, despite Besigye's resounding show, many Ugandans in Boston
> > intimated to our sources in Boston that President Museveni or anyone
> > from NRM should also come and talk to them to clarify some issues they
> > suspect Besigye covered up.
> > Tasked on the issue of Major General Jim Muhwezi who is implicated in
> > dirty scandals, Besigye said that in FDC they do not block anyone from
> > joining the party but if Muhwezi is found guilty then he will not be
> > given a top position in FDC party.
> > Besigye was also on a fundraising drive where they had to sell off
> > some FDC cards and T-shirts to members.
> >
> > He first attended a Uganda North American Association (UNAA)
> > conference early this month in San Francisco where he also preached
> > the new gospel of FDC besides selling FDC cards and T-shirts.
> >
> >
> > >
> > 
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
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