  Stop the escapist strategy here for once and teach us on federalism, or just 
don't waste time.
  The mentality you are displaying thus: "There is absolutely nothing that says 
that the Baganda should secede their rights to anybody else? When did they ever 
agree to any such arrangement?" is indeed the very mentality of the Kabaka 
Mutesa who ordered Dr. Obote's government out of Kampala in 1966 leading the 
political crisis of that year! 
  As Ugandans, we all are entitle to our rights as citizens, to be whereever we 
can be, if we must build a good sustainable society. For Baganda like you to 
keep thinking that they must not mingle with the rest of the population, but 
would go mingled with the Mr. Speak, Mr. Burton, and Linda Chalker, to further 
the narrow interests of Baganda withing the larger interests of colonialist and 
neo-colonialist, indeed is sad. Your right as a people is checked by that of 
the rest of Ugandans; and the rest of Ugandans' right as a people too is 
checked by yours. But when democratic principles must be the guiding 
principles, your rights as Baganda cannot trample that of majority. You cannot 
demand federo and go it alone, expecting to have your way, whatever it takes! 
That is exactly what Kabaka Mutesa did, when he has no right to boot Dr. 
Obote's government from Kampala. What was the result? He got booted from Mengo. 
  As Africans, we must learn to live together; that is the only way we can move 
forward. But if Baganda thinks that they must live by themselves, under false 
claim of federo they cannot even explain how it will work vis-a-vis the rest of 
Ugandans, then turn around later and collude with colonialist and 
neo-colonialist to boot other citizens around, like the Kakunggulus did, loot 
Buyaga and Buganggaizi, then that brother Jean cannot work. Period. Uganda is 
our country. Kampala is our city. Every citizen has everyright to be and live 
in Kamapa. Ugandans contributed taxes to build that city. If Baganda wants to 
secede, will they surrender Kampala? If so, then are we going to have Kampala 
area part of the rest of Uganda, and Buganda land outside of Kampala, Buganda 
  No you people are not serious in building the country! You even have the gal 
to state: "You have had 40 years plus for your unitary experiment enforced on 
us but you donot seem to understand that  it has failed and it will fail in the 
future." Come on now brother Jean be serious for once in your life! What 
Unitary government of those Ugandans you are talking about that was imposed on 
you people for now 40 years?? Dr. Obote 1 was in power for a few years, before 
it was deposed; that you cannot entirely wiggle yourselves away and claim 
innocent over. Who were the people who tore down trees and used the branches 
and leaves to welcome Amin? 
  For 8 years Amin was in power, and those who suffered the most where again 
Acholi and Lango. Were you Baganda not in good book with Amin for a long while? 
After Amin, the Obotes were back again for merely 5 years. There after Mu7 came 
on until today. And who are the people who faught alongside Mu7 to bring the 
NRA/M into power? For over 20 years now you Baganda are under a unitary system 
you helped brought to power. So don't even blame other Ugandans you are trying 
to terget, that they have imposed upon you a unitary government for now 40yrs. 
They got nothing to do with bringing Mu7 onto power!
  Brother Jean, do you know I love Baganda? You ain't taking them away from us. 
Period. Just don't let them called themselves Hornsleths. Thats all. But we are 
all one.

Jean Paul Mivumba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Once again;There is a lot of information on federalism on the internet and 
elsewhere.  I can labour to explain it to those who have no access to 
information. For somebody  who is literate and even has access to  internet, 
explaining federalism to him or her would be promoting intellectual laziness on 
my part. That is what I stated at the end of my last post.   In your earlier 
post "justifying" why federalism can not work in Africa. You listed what  is 
wrong in Uganda  but did not explan why those wrongs can not be fixed under a 
federal arrangement but you think they can be fixed in a unitary arrangement 
(which apparent has created them).
To me anybody still clamoring for power in Uganda under the unitary system we 
have had over the years can not convince that he or she is interested in 
anything (like fixing  the mess in Uganda)  other than power for power's sake 
to have a go at  looting and mismanaging the country.  Given the ethnically 
diverse nature of most of the african countries and the fact that they not 
formed by africans but by foreigners  together with the tendency for people in 
almost all countries to be tribalistic and promote their own, Federalism is 
simply the best of all models of government  to  adopt in Africa. Where it is 
place in deed and the results are not impressive, simply know the situation 
would even be worse if it was a diferent model. 

  On 10/2/07, ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Jean how about you educate us 
on it, I mean on federalism if you really know?
  I am all hears, waiting.

Jean Paul Mivumba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

      There is absolutely nothing that says that the Baganda should secede 
their rights to anybody else? When did they ever agree to any such arrangement? 
You have had 40 years plus for your unitary experiment enforced on us but you 
donot seem to understand that  it has failed and it will fail in the future. No 
what twicking is done  to it. It will fail. 
Once again what will happen if the rest of Uganda say no to federalism and the 
whole of Buganda says yes to federalism? 

Oci you better educate yourself better on how federalism fucntions.  Because in 
all honest, the stuff you have written below just make me wonder whether we are 
living on the same planet. Just lok at this statement:  
"Federalism cannot function within African environment; not yet!" 

That statement is  exactly the antithesis of what should be. You have access to 
the internet. I suggest if you care to, that you educate yourself better on how 
federal systems function. If I were to do for anybody, I would be promoting 
intellectual laziness. 


  Your first question: Answer: For they are minority. Therefore, since 
democratic principle means rule of the majority, then should the entire 
Ugandans say NO to federo, Baganda will have to respect that and live with the 
rest under a unitary, but of course democratic system. 
  Your second question: Answer: There is nothing undemocratic about federo. But 
Uganda is not ready for a federal system of government. We are lacking almost 
everything that smoothen the operation of a federation. We do not have savvy 
human capital; we don't have infrustructure such as road; public health and 
education system; Our transport and communication industry is way 
underdeveloped; we have very undeveloped political and economic system as a 
whole. Federation will involve a lot of transfer back and forth, which call for 
very highly developed systems. Madhvani is producing the bulk of our sugar; 
there is almost nothing we produce. The raw materials such as other 
agricultural products: Coffee, Cotton, Maize, you name it, are abismally 
produce, and don't fetch any significat revenue. Baganda are even neglecting 
the production of coffee. 
  The police, security organizations; prison system, you name it are still way 
way underdeveloped. Predominantly clogged with westerners, and yes, Baganda. 
Yet even in the rudiment business industry, forein investors are now pushing 
Baganda out of. 
  Look at the agricultural industry! We have failed woefully to even managed 
our agriculture. Instead Mu7 is selling the industry to foreign investors! How 
will federation work under such circumstances where foreigners repatriate 
profits to their country of origin, instead of redistributing it under a 
federal system? What about natural resources? There will need to be a fair 
distribution of natural resources from regions with abundant to region with 
scarcity. How will that be carried out when currently we lack all datas about 
anything in the country?? What about employment and education? The employment 
industry is still way primitive. How will that be carried out under a federal 
  Jean, federalism means a lot. Not just what some of these people think. 
Federalism cannot function within African environment; not yet!

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