"Rwoth" Uwee,
  Because you simply don't understand what federo entails. Its laughable to 
give Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa et ceterra as examples of federo in Africa.
  Nigeria is imploding despite the federo you are yapping about. If federo 
could solve political and economic problems in Africa, it could have solved the 
problems of Nigeria!
  South Africa, compared to the rest of African countries is a lot developed 
economically. Huge savvy manpower; lots of production of finished goods; better 
road; almost excellent transport and communication sector; Agriculturally, 
South Africa is way ahead. But even with all these high standard of 
development, still the system is not fuction the way it should! Poverty is 
still galore! So what is your point?
  Tanzania is a unique federation! Zanzibar and Pemba are in Indian Ocean. Even 
so, the federation has absolutely nothing to show for it save Tanzania is a 
federal system! Baganda are our next door neighbours; nay, our people. So, 
don't even go to Tanzania.
  Former Zaire is a bogus example.
  Therefore, my statement still stands!

oryema johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  South Africa is a federation in Africa. Gautang is the province which 
includes Pretoria, Joberg. The Eastern Cape has a provincial government. By the 
way all things considered, Tanzania is a Federation. Zanzibar's is headed by a 
Prime Minister as compared to Tanzania Mainland which is headed by a President. 
Nigeria has functioned as a federal state for many years. In fact during 
Mobutu's reign, the Congo was a federation. The Provinces were headed by 
governors. These provincial governments included Kivu, Katanga whose provincial 
province is Lumbumbashi, Kisangani, Bar Zaire etc.
  Why some Ugandans have this idea that Federalism cannot work in Africa, still 
has defeated my understanding!

musaja alumbwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The usual useless Buganda/Baganda ridiculing.

ocii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Did you mean quarter pounder? 
  Correct! Now this is learned voice. Succinctly how to bring about 
  Thanks for making that comment Bwambuga.

Bwambuga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone know the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Federal Republic of
Germany, United States is a Federal Republic althoough it chose not to
use that name on its already long name.
Need more....?
Buganda must struggle to constitutionalise its claim to seccession or
"ebyaffe". Just vote Museveni out of office, take over Uganda, and
sponser a cosntitutional accommodation of "ebyaffe". Other wise the
talk about "ebyaffe" will become "ebbyoya bya enswa", and all the DP's
et all will remain standing there with a Mcconald's plastic cup in its
hand waiting for "a quarter to help a brother out".


On Oct 1, 1:16 pm, loveuganda wrote:
> Besigye Rocks Boston With FDC Gospel
> Red Pepper Online
> By By Eva Nabawanuka
> Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president, Col. Kizza Besigye on
> Saturday rocked Boston city in USA with FDC's new hot evangelism,
> turning the city into an extended Ekimeeza, Red Pepper can
> reveal.However, Besigye did not steal the day any easily as he was
> bombarded with sharp piercing queries.
> While addressing guests who were mostly Ugandans, Besigye was put to
> task to answer as to why most top positions in government were given
> to people from the western region and why power was not equally
> divided according to regions so that democracy could be seen
> throughout the country.
> Some of the Baganda in the Diaspora asked Besigye what he will do when
> given power on the issue concerning the lost property of the Baganda
> during colonial rule and Obote's regime. He assured them that what he
> will do first is to make sure that each region gets back its property
> and all those regions that want a federal arrangement get it.
> They commended Besigye for being the first top politician from Uganda
> to visit and talk to them about the politics in their homeland even
> before the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni could do so.
> However, despite Besigye's resounding show, many Ugandans in Boston
> intimated to our sources in Boston that President Museveni or anyone
> from NRM should also come and talk to them to clarify some issues they
> suspect Besigye covered up.
> Tasked on the issue of Major General Jim Muhwezi who is implicated in
> dirty scandals, Besigye said that in FDC they do not block anyone from
> joining the party but if Muhwezi is found guilty then he will not be
> given a top position in FDC party.
> Besigye was also on a fundraising drive where they had to sell off
> some FDC cards and T-shirts to members.
> He first attended a Uganda North American Association (UNAA)
> conference early this month in San Francisco where he also preached
> the new gospel of FDC besides selling FDC cards and T-shirts.

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