On 1 May 2012 09:37, Thomas Mangin <thomas.man...@exa-networks.co.uk> wrote:
> Assuming you are not trying to start a flamewar (hence why I am bottom 
> posting),
> Modern clients organising mails by discussion/thread and hiding the part of 
> the
> text already present in the previous mails in the thread make top posting 
> easier
> to read than bottom posting and interleaved comments.

I'm really rather annoyed by the modern trend towards hiding
previously seen text. It makes it hard to determine what exactly is
being replied to unless you unhide it, and if you have to unhide it to
make sense of it, then why is it hidden in the first place? The
assumption that text will be hidden also gives rise to people not
bothering to trim their responses, so when you do have to unhide text
you end up with a giant mess to read through.

Maria Blackmore
Professional Network Fairy

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