Hello Florian,

> Yahoo Groups has ads by default (unless you pay a monthly fee for list
> hosting), and some people do not trust the privacy policy of such
> organizations.  

Yes, I know. I'm subscribed to 9 YG mailing lists and manage another 4 on my own. It 
is a piece of cake and there is a lot of features which should satisfy most needs. 
Particularly every subscriber can decide whether to receive direct eMail (plain text 
or HTML), daily digest or web only (no mail). You can have alternative eMail addresses 
to post from without getting a message for every eMail (I need this because I have to 
post from two different mail accounts). In addition to the features I already 
mentioned you get statistics, a shared calender, a database (web based tables with 
templates for FAQs, phone books, Recipes list etc.) and a boomarks section for sharing 
interesting bookmarks.

>In addition, it doesn't look too well if you cannot
> run your own lists.  I mean, you can't imagine that the Unicode web
> site moves over to GeoCities, can you? ;-)

The web server of course not, but the mailing list? To be honest it doesn't look so 
good as it is now. For every reply I have to edit the receiver, there is no complete 
archive, I cannot post from every place I would like to etc. But this is all technical.

The competence of many subscribers here, however, is excellent and I much appreciate 
to be allowed to listen at all.

> An important part (and certainly the most time-consuming after the
> initial setup) is tracing bounces and removing bogus subscriptions.  I
> don't think Yahoo does this for you.

No, there are 4 main pages for managing members (every page is sortable by name or 
join date). One for general management, one for pending members (if approvement is 
required), one for bouncing members and one for banned members. Tonight I had three 
bouncing members in one of my lists. I managed them while I did the lookup to give 
correct information in this eMail.

It think nobody has time to waste, so why doing it voluntary?

Ciao, Mike

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