Asmus Freytag wrote:
> At 05:53 PM 3/21/01 +0100, you wrote:
> >I see that the list software now appends [unicode] to all subject
> >lines.  This is very annoying, and not very useful, since those who
> >wish to filter their mail and put posts from this list in a folder of
> >its own etc. etc. can now do so by using other headers, such as
> >"X-list: unicode" .

> This is not supported on all mail clients.

But you can also filter mails based on the To: header
"To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" - every mail client I've seen that supports filtering lets 
you filter based on that header.
> I urge Sarasvati to stick with this setup.
> A./

(The Subject: line of this message demonstrates just what Gaute was talking about.)

Appending [unicode] does allow people to sort out messages from the list by sorting on 
Subject: which might be an advantage to subscribers with mail clients that can't 
filter mail - though I suspect there are very few (if any) subscribers to this list 
using mail clients which are that primitive. 
- Chris

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