Please fix your line lengths.  Your lines are much longer than 80

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In addition, it doesn't look too well if you cannot run your own
>>lists.  I mean, you can't imagine that the Unicode web site moves
>>over to GeoCities, can you? ;-)
> The web server of course not, but the mailing list? To be honest it
> doesn't look so good as it is now. For every reply I have to edit
> the receiver,

Reply-To: munging (done by Yahoo, and which I assume is what you're
wishing for here) is bad.  The proper answer to your problem is to
have two distinct commands for replying to mail: one which says "I
want to compose a private reply to the person who wrote this mail" and
another one which says "I want to compose a reply to this mail which
can be read by everyone who the first mail"; typically called
"followup", "group reply", "list reply" or "wide reply".

> there is no complete archive,

Virtually every mailing list manager that I know of can produce
archives in an automated fashion.  I'd be extremely surprised if
Listar can not.  There is no reason to go to Yahoo for this.

In fact, if I remember correctly Yahoo can not produce archives in
standard mailbox format--you have to use the web interface.  This
means that, for instance, you can not simply download the archive for
a given time period and slurp it into you email client.

> I cannot post from every place I would like to etc.

Why not?

> But this is all technical.

Off course the single most annoying thing about Yahoo lists are the
advertisements at the bottom.  It is just about possible to have one's
email client hide them, but since people are generally lazy and will
inevitably forget to snip them when quoting someone, you get to read
them anyway.

Gaute Strokkenes              

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