Asmus Freytag wrote: > Overloading the existing 00BA º is tempting, but would likely > result in > incorrect output unless special purpose (read private use) > fonts are used, > or unless it became common to have a Swedish glyph overrides > in fonts and > rendering engines that applied them. Since the usage and typographic > convention for 'och' and the raised o for numbering are not > related, this > unification smells more of shoehorning than encoding.
Perhaps there is also a "logical" difference. The Swedish "o" represents the *first* letter of a word (och), and can thus be interpreted as <o.> (o *followed* by a dot); 00BA represents the *last* letter of a word (it abbreviates ordinal adjectives like primero, segundo, tercero... primo, secondo, terzo...), so it may logically be interpreted as <.o> (o *preceded* by a dot). _ Marco